King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

money in. He noticed the rich men as they walked by and dropped th e ir offer­ ing in th e treasu ry box. A fter a while a poor widow woman came along and "dropped in two mites. A widow woman, you know, is a woman whose husband is dead, so th is poor woman had no one to earn money, and perhaps she had some little' children to take care of also. Of course Jesus knew ju st what each one pu t in, and He saw she put in two mites. You all know how much a penny is, th e smallest piece of money we have. Now our penny is worth eight times as much as a mite, and she p u t in two mites, so then our penny would be four times as much money as the two mites. Yet listen to what Jesus said about her offering— and a g reat many people had been pu tting in th e ir money, and some of them rich people. And Jesus said, “Of a tru th I say unto you, th a t this poor widow h ath cast in more than they all.” Xwonder why Jesus was so pleased w ith this very small gift? While many of th e others had pu t in a much larger offering in money, they only gave a small p art of what they had, and the poor widow gave all she had. She did not have anything left for h er living, but she tru sted Jesus to help h er to get some more money. She loved Jesus and you know, children, when we love any one, it gives us g reat joy to give to them . I th ink some of you already ' know our memory verse. “ It is more blessed to give th an to receive.” You know what th a t means, for how happy you are when your teachers help you a t school to make something for mother. You are so happy you ju st h u rry home as fast as you can go when it is finished, and how much joy you get out of planning and giving mother a gift. Jesus wants us to be happy, so He has given us His word, which teaches us to give. The givers are th e happy people. Jesus knows ju st how much we give, ju st as he knew w hat th e poor widow woman gave.- He knows too w hether wp keep any back th a t ought to be given to Him. If some

an ablebodied man or well dressed wom­ an, a penny dropped into th e offering plate may be an abom ination in the sight of God and man. The in stinct of meanness is more ap t to show itself in connection w ith the church collection th a n any o ther place.— Sel. v. 4. They of th e ir abundance. God will not refuse th e poor offerings of th e poor, but He will not accept the poor offerings of th e rich.—Medley. She of h e r penury. Let none of th e Lord’s poor th ink they are sh u t out from the prizes of beneficence.—Post. Memory Verse—-“ It is more blessed to give th a n to receive.” Acts 20:35. Approach.— Some of you boys and girls like to receive gifts. Clara, let me have your Bible. This is a beautiful Bible which C lara received as a gift from h er mother BEGINNERS la st Christmas, and AND PRIMARY she is proud of it, Mabel L. M errill and well she may be, for it is th e best gift h er mother could have given her, for if she reads and studies h er Bible and obeys its teachings, it will give her everything else she needs, for th e Bible tells us if we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things shall be added unto us. (Matt. 6 :33.) Today we are to h ear about a gift th a t pleased Jesus. P rayer. Lesson Story.—L ast week we learned about working for Jesus. Henry, you tell us one way we can work fo r Him. Ju lia, you tell us another. Now we see th ere are ju st lots of ways boys and girls can work for Jesus. A t th e tim e when Jesus lived on ea,rth, we remember the temple was the place where th e people worshipped God, and th e temple was surrounded by a court or yard. A t the tim e of our story, Jesus is in th e court of th e temple, in th e p a rt where the people passed th rough and pu t th eir money in the offering boxes. Jesus watched the people as they dropped th eir A G ift T h at P leased Jesus. Luke 21: 1-4.

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