King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S d o s in g P rayer. Dear Lord Jesus, we th a n k Thee fo r all Thy gifts to us, and help Us t0 show our thankfulness, by being good givers.

have nothing to give, Jesus knows th a t too. Oh, how th ank fu l we ought to be to have such a kind, lovTng Saviour

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Does tKe Institute Radio Pa})? Taken from THE LOS ANGELES TIMES

The following article tak en from The Los Angeles Times, we are sure will be of in terest to our readers, giving some idea of th e scope of th e work being w rought through th e in strum en tality of the In stitu te Radio Station: N ineteen hundred years ago a t the headw aters of the River Jordan, a g reat cloud descended upon the eerie fastness of Mount Hermon. There a group of men, women and children beheld w ith startled, awe-filled eyes th e super­ n atu ra l appearance of Christ, and as they watched th a t transfiguration, a voice came down from Heaven saying, “This is My beloved Son: h ear ye H im .” Today th a t m iracle is disbelieved by tens of thousands of people. And yet— L ast Sunday morning, in th e small attic of a dilapidated house in th a t p art of Los Angeles where reside those who follow in th e wake of decline, a man of perhaps fifty years bent over a rough tab le on which were several peculiar looking instrum ents. Over th e top of his head rested a band, holding round black instrum ents over his ears. The man’s eye? were closed bu t his mind beheld a picture-—a picture of a church auditorium crowded almost to capacity, an organ, a large choir, and the earnest face of a m inister. F o r out of th e air, as a voice from heaven, came a pleading for the salvation of souls. S till Sits L istening An hour later th e man was still sitting there, although th a t pleading voice had ceased. But had it ceased? The man thought he could still distinguish the tones. It had been many years since he had seen the inside of a church. And the smile on his lips was peculiarly self- mocking. Late th a t afternoon, into th e office of W. R. Hale, assistan t superintendent of th e,B ib le In stitu te, whose radio broad­ casts th e services of the Church of the Open Door, walked th e man. Briefly

and grimly, bu t w ith a h in t of passion in his voice, he condemned his former m anner of living and announced his de- Ejlj&ffiB to “m ake a new and clean sta rt in life.” Dr. R. A. Torrey. pastor of the Church of the Open Door, whose ser­ mon had reached th e man, was called to meet him. And th a t church received a new member. That was made known yesterday in an interview w ith th e Rev. T. C. Horton superintendent of the Bible Institute! And, too, th a t was b u t a small p art of the work .being accomplished through the medium of th e In stitu te ’s radio. More th an 5000 letters, received from people in many p arts of the United States and Canada, expressing apprecia- tion of th e In stitu te ’s broadcast, were exhibited by M- E. C arrier, manager of the radio department. They had been received since the broadcast was com­ menced la st March, and th e one coming from th e fu rth e st point was sent from Perkasie, Pa. L etters have been received from small churches in several towns- in Southern California, stating t h a t through the utilization of radio receiv­ ing sets, th e ir congregations were listening weekly to Dr. Torrey’s ser­ mons, while the rest of th e services were provided by the churches themselves. Additional letters brought th e news th a t still more small churches were fol­ lowing the lead of the others. But the usefulness of th e radio does not stop even there, for many other letters from people of all rank s and vocations con­ tinue to pour into thd office of the I n ­ stitu te ’s radio departm ent, and th e pic­ tu res the communications bring to mind vary greatly. P erusing one le tte r, the reader is car­ ried to a rang er’s camp fa r up on the high-heaved masses of th e San B ernar­ dinos, or possibly the “Rockies.” There a little group of rough-clad men are gathered' about th e ir receiving set, while

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