King's Business - 1923-02


Exposition of the Lesson, Including Lesson for Juniors Suggestive Comment . . . . . . . .

T . C . Horton Bÿ Prominent Ministers

FEBRUARY 11, 1923

THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS CHRIST—John 5:17-31 Golden Text. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He th a t heareth my word, and believeth on him th a t sent me, h ath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; bu t is passed from death unto life.” (John 5:24.) Outline: ' ( 1 ) The Affirmed Incentive for Ser­ vice, vs. 17-20. (2) Thé A uthority to Im p art E te r­ nal Life, vs. 21-26. (3 ) The A rbiter to Impose Judg ­ ment, vs. 27-31. Introduction : Jesus is leading up,to work which He will do upon th e basis of His equality w ith the F ather. He claimed equality. The Jew s affirmed th a t He made H im ­ self equal w ith God, and He never denied it, and th e deniers of His Deity have to face th is fact. Jesu s came to earth to do work and spent th ree and a half years in service, day and night, everywhere and always, and He said: “I must work the works of Him th a t sent Me while it is called toddy for the night cometh when no man can work.” (John 9 :4 ) sied th a t He should be seen coming in glory, (Matt. 26:65) “ T h en t h e hi gh pr iest ren t hi s say ing , H e hath s po ken b la sp he fu rther n ee d h av e we o f w it n e ss h o l d , no w y e have h e a r d hi s b la

The a ttitu d e of the Jews toward Jesus because of the m iracle of the healing of the impotent man is now manifest, and caused our Lord to give the discourses in th is chapter in defense of His work. The sixteenth verse tells us th a t th e Jews sought to slay Him because He' healed on th e Sabbath day. There is a logical argum ent in His reply. He makes clear what He afterw ard affirms of H imself: “The Son of man is Lord of th e Sabbath,” (Matt. 12:8) and dem onstrates th e fact th a t it is always legitim ate to do good on- the Sabbath day or on the Lord’s Day. (1) THE AFFIRMED INCENTIVE

He commissions every believer, every follower to work; and every one who accepts th a t commission is linked w ith the F ath e r and the Son in service. There is a joy in service for the Lord, which is incomparable, and th ere is rest 'in such service th a t is wonderful. Note th a t Jesus claims Oneness of Personality in Action. (John 1 :3 ) “ All t hi ng s were m a d e by h im w it h o u t h im w as not any t h in g : m wa s m a d e .” He was w ith th e F ath e r in creation. “ In the beginning God created.” (Gen. 1 :1 ) (Col. 1:17) “ A n d . he i s be fo re a l l t h in g r s , h im a l l t h in g r s con sis t.” He claims Oneness in Knowledge, v. 20 .

FOR SERVICE, vs. 17:20. "My F ath e r worketh h ith erto and I work.”

This reply of o u r'L o rd ’s aroused the same antagonism which was manifested by the High P riest when Jesus prophe­

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