King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

w hat she means by making a pic­ tu re.) Jesus took a picture out of th e Bible, and we can find it in Numbers 21:1-9. The Children of Israel were journeying from Egypt to th e Prom ised Land, and living in tents. (The teacher should tell as vivid- , ly as possible th e story— how the people complained because of the hardships, etc., and to punish them the Lord sent fiery serpents which b it them and caused them to die. Then th e people came to Moses and confessed th e ir sins and asked him to pray to th e Lord for them . God told Moses to make a serpent of brass, ju st like th e serpents which were biting th e people; put th is brass serpent up on a pole so th a t all the people could see it, and, as many as were bitten, if they would look a t th e serpent on the pole, would get well, As many as obeyed were made well. It was ju st “ look and live.” Imagine how the people crowded around the pole to get cured!) “Now,” . Jesus told Nicodemus, “That is ju st the way in which the Son of Man will he lifted up; on a pole (o r cross) so th a t He can die in th e sinn er’s place, th a t whosoever believeth in Him should not perish (or d ie), hu t have eternal life.” God loves boys and girls and men and women, and He wants them all to have eternal life, so,— as we learned in our Memory'Verse in our th ird lesson (John 3 :16) He gave His only Son, th a t whosoever believeth in Him should not die, b u t have eternal life, a And away hack in the Old Testament we find another verse th a t teaches th a t Jesus saves us by dying in our place, (Isa. 53:5, 6.) Jesus is always standing w ith His arm s outstretched saying, “ Come unto Me. I love you. I w ant you to live in Heaven w ith Me. Your sins have been

words (John 7 :1 6 ). The man healed a t th e pool recog­ nized th a t the One who could work the m iracle of healing th a t he experienced could command obedience. This au th o r­ ity- was ultimate. The Jews rejected His authority. They accused Him of blasphemy. From th e impression created in th e minds of His hearers, th a t He' claimed co-equality w ith God, our Lord never retracted. There is but one of th ree conclusions to be reached. Jesus Christ was either a blasphemer as th e Jews believed Him to he, or He was an insane person, or He was who He claimed to be, the E ternal, Omnipotent Son of, God. (N o te : T h e J u n io r le s s o n s do n o t a lw a y s c o rre s p o n d to th e S e n io r le ss o n s , o n ly th o s e p a s s a g e s h a v in g b e e n s e le c te d w h ic h s e e m e d e s p e c ia lly s u ita b le f o r te a c h in g to l i ttl e fo lk s . A s s ta t e d in th e J a n u a r y n u m b e r, th e s e le s s o n s w e re o r ig in a lly p r e ­ p a re d f o r th e u s e o f th e W e e k D a y H o m e B ib le C la ss D e p a r tm e n t o f th e C h u rc h o f th e O p en D o o r, L o s A n g e le s .) (Review: The Lamb; The' Sign-Post; The Wedding; The House-cleaning; The House-top Visit.) W hat did we tell you last week we would study about th is week? (TWO KINDS OF SERPENTS.) Repeat the Memory Verse which we were to learn. (John 1:12) W hat were th e names of th e two men on th e house-top about whom we talked last week? (Jesus and Nico- dem us.) W hat did Jesus tell Nicodemus he m ust have in order to he able to live w ith God in Heaven? (v. 5.) Did Nicodemus understand what Jesus m eant by being -“ born again” ? (Because- Nicodemus did not un­ derstand, Jesus illu strated it w ith a story, ju st as th e teacher does in teaching little children th e al­ phabet. For instance, she will make a “B” on the blackboard, and then rub out a p a rt and th a t - will be an “R ” . She illu strates THE JUNIORS John 3:14-21


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