King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S when they did wrong? Then why did He punish them by sending th e fiery serpents to bite them? W hat cure did He provide for them? Does God love us when we do wrong? W hat cure has He provided for u s? (Repeat v. 14) If we tak e the cure th a t God has provided for us, and accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour, do we become Chris­ tians? Do you know any boys and girls th a t are Christians? Does He love to have us pray to Him and ask Him for the things we need? (Matt. 7:11) Jesus died for you. Would you ever be ashamed of Him? Learn as Memory Verse, (Isa. 53:6) “All we like sheep have gone astray. We have tu rned every one to his own way; and the Lord h ath laid on Him (J e s u s) the iniquity (sin) of us all.” ^1^ A four-fold cord is not easily broken and it is impossible for any man to break th is testimony. P ity th e man who will- try to underm ine th e faith of men by questioning th e validity of the Gospel of John, which bears such weight of testimony to th e fact th a t Jesu s was very Go'd, manifest, in the flesh. Here Jesus is defending H imself and array s His witnesses in a precise and practical m anner so th a t the Jewish leaders m ight be w ithout excuse. (1) THE WITNESS OF JOHN THE BAPTIST, vs. 32-35 “Ye sent unto John and he bare witness of the tru th .” Our Lord calls atten tio n to th e testi­ mony of Jo h n the Baptist. He was not dependent upon it, but although the

laid on Me. J u s t believe on Me and you shall have eternal life.” (If any of th e older children have taken Jesus Christ as th e ir Sav­ iour, ask them to tell about it. Tell them they must pray every day and ask Jesus to help them to live so as to please Him, and to help o th e rs.) How many of you ever saw a serpent, o r a snake, as we call it? Do all snake bites k ill people? W hat do we call th e snakes th a t do kill people w ith th eir bites? (Poisonous.) W hat other name for Satan do we find in the Bible? (Rev. 20:2—-“That old serpent— the devil and S atan.” i Who is it th a t tempts boys and girls and men and women to sin? (Satan.) W hat does sin do to people? (“The soul th a t sinneth, it shall die.” Lesson Four.) Did God love the Children of Israel tu res; for in them ye th ink ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me.” (John 5:39) Outline: (1) The W itness of John the Bap­ tist, vs. 3<2-35. (2) The Witness v. 36. of His Own Work, (3 ); The Witness 37, 38. of the F ath er, vs. (4) The W itness 47. of Moses, vs. 39'- Introduction: Our Lord, in th e words of our lesson, sums up a four-fold testimony concern­ ing Himself,^—His Deity, His Authority, His Work.

S» Sfe FEBRUARY 18, 1923 TESTIMONY OF THE FATHER AND THE WORD John 5:32-47 Golden Text: “Search th e scrip­

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