King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

Fathe r, g lo r if y t h y n a m e . T h en c a m e the re a voic e fr o m heav en , sa y in g , I have b o th gl o r i fi e d i t , a n d w i l l g lo r if y it again.” H ere Jesus verifies th e fact of the

14:6) a way w ithout deviation, a tru th w ithout contradiction and à life w ithout an end. (b) The Satisfaction of th e Scriptures. They meet évery need of human life (Psa. 119:89) , “ F o rev er, O L o r d , t h y w or d I I n H ea v en .” The Bibl settles every question, every problem. It gives the word of wisdom, and faith in its verity; brings com fort in every conceivable experience. (c) The S eparating Power of th e Scriptures. The Word draws men to God and sep­ arates men from th e world. (Heb. 4:12) “ Fo r th e W o r d o f G o d i s qu i pow erfu l, a n d sh a r p e r th an any t s w o rd , pierc ing even to th e dividin d e r o f soul a n d spirit a n d o f t h a n d m a r r o w , a n d is a d is ce rn er th ou gh ts a n d in t e n t s o f th e hea rt It reveals Christ and His love and draws us closer to Him. I t reveals the awfulness of sin and separates us from everything distasteful to Him. (d') The Sanctifying Power of the Scriptures. “Ye shall know the tru th and the tru th shall make you free.” The Word separates us from th e world, but it also unites us to God. Christ is the magnet and th e Word reveals Him tò us as thè “ One altogether lovely; the chiefesit among ten thousand.” In closing, notice the hum ility of Jesu s (v. 41). His reproof of unbelief (v. 42). His prediction concerning the Anti­ ch rist (v. 43). The accusation of the Word of God (vs. 44, 45).

’ F a th e r’s voice (vs. 37, 38). He had already testified th a t His works were a testimony th a t th e F a th e r had sent Him (v. 36) and He now reiterate s it again. (John 8:16, 17) “ A n d

f f I ju dg e, my j ud gm ent 1 . tru e; to r I a m n ot al on e, b u t I a n d th e Fath er that s e n t m e . It i s also w r it te n in y o u r la w t h a t th e te st im o ny o f tw o m e n is tr u e. ” (4) THE WITNESS OF MOSES, vs.

39-47 “Had ye believed Moses ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me.” We come now to the testimony of the Scriptures. If Jesus was not the virgin- born Son of God, the God-Man, the promised Messiah of the Old Testament! then we have no Saviour, no hope, and are of all men most miserable. The Bible is built upon th is founda­ tion fact and it stands or falls upon this testimony. Over a hundred predic­ tions in the Old Testament point to the .first advent of Christ and they were literally fulfilled. Consequently we have no question m arks concerning this event, but we need to know these facts in order to fortify our faith. Jesus said to the Jews who refused to accept Him and His testimony, “The Scriptures testify o f'm e” (v. 39). They were supposed to know th e Scriptures. That was th e ir profession. They were the h igh er critics of th a t day. P rofess­ ing themselves to be wise, they exhib­ ited themselves as fools. (Rom. 1:21, 2 2 ) 'The whole Bible is th e b reath of Jesus. The ritu a l of sacrifice and wor­ ship, the types, symbols, predictions, all details from Eden t o ' th e Cross, His death, H is resurrection,— are all one g reat testimony to Him and are sacred. Be careful how you use them. (a) The Sufficiency of th e Scriptures. They show us th e way to God (John

The denial of Jesu s’ Deity carries witiji it the denial of the Old Testament. To every denier of God’s Word comes the question, “W h at wilt thou say when He shall punish th e e?” and the w arn­ ing, “For by thy words sh alt thou be justified, and by thy words shalt. thou be condemned.”

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