King's Business - 1923-02

. 193 has attested His Divine ch aracter and Messianic claims, and over all m ight be appropriately recorded: “These words are w ritten th a t ye m ight believe th a t Jesus is th e Christ, th e Son of God, and th a t believing, ye m ight have ' life through H is nam e.” The resu lt of accepting th e testimony of th e F ath e r and th e Word is saving faith. W hat are we to understand by believing in Christ? 1. An acceptance of Him as He is set fo rth in th e Scrip­ tures. 2. A su rrend er of ourselves to Him as His obedient followers: Christ’s example: “For I do always those things th a t please H im .” JiH THE JUNIORS THE WOMAN AT THE WELL Jo h n 4:1-15 (Review: The Lamb, th e Sign-Post, The Wedding, The Housecleaning, The House-top Visit, The Two K inds of Ser­ pents. ) R epeat Memory Verse (Isa. 53 :6 ). A fter Jesus had th e ta lk w ith Nico- demus on the housetop where He told him he must be born again, and then told him th e story of th e two serpents (th e kind th a t killed people, and the kind th a t made them well) He left Jerusalem and went back to Galilee, His own country, about 80 miles no rth of Jerusalem . The Bible says, “He must needs go th rough Samaria.” Why do you sup­ pose He needed to go th rough Samaria? Was th ere no other way to get to Gali­ lee? (Yes, He could have gone ano ther way, bu t He knew all things, and He knew th ere was a woman in Samaria th a t needed H is help.) Where did Jesus stop to rest? (At a well in th e City of Sychar.) W hat was the name of th e well? (Tell the chil­ dren a little about Jacob and th a t he lived hundreds of years before.) Have you ever wanted a drink of w ater and



Jesus Christ sent His disciples fo rth not to be merely preachers or teachers or w riters, bu t witnesses. W itnessing may or may not he done th ro u g h preach­ ing, teaching or w riting. I t all depends upon what we base our witness and con­ cerning whom we witness. Jesu s Christ must be the center and circumference of all our testimony, if it is to be ef­ fective. Notice five sources of testimony to Christ: 1. The F a th e r’s testimony (D iv in e): “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Matt. 3:17. 2. The Scriptures’ testimony (In ­ spired) : “Search th e Scriptures— they testify of Me.” Jno. 5:39. 3. The Be­ liever’s testimony (E xp erim en tal): “By th e name of Jesus Christ doth th is man stand before you whole. There is none other name whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:10-12. 4. The world’s te sti­ mony (H um an ): “Never man spake like this m an.” Jno. 7:46. 5. The demon’s testimony (In fe rn a l): “Jesus, thou Son of th e Most H igh.” Lk. 8:28. The h eart of th e lesson is in verses 36-38: Christ’s appeal to His F a th e r’s witness. H is own living voice was a fact which only dishonest people would endeavor to set aside. The F a th e r’s voice had been heard before, and the people said it thundered. The strongest evidence th a t they were not the people of God was refusal to h ear or accept the testimony of Christ. He then makes an appeal to th e ir Scriptures. Their own very Scriptures contain th e clear­ est intim ation th a t He came from God. “Moses wrote of Me and if ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me.” They had wholly m isunderstood th eir own Scriptures, and th e ir rejecting Christ and even Moses, would be a w it­ ness against them. Thus we trium phan tly sum up th e en ­ tire series of testimonies by which God

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