King's Business - 1923-02

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S but He wants us to confess it to Him. (1 John 1 :9 : “ If we confess our sins, He is faith fu l and ju s t to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all un ­ righteousness.” ) When Jesus told th e woman th a t He knew all about her, she said, “ I know th a t when th e Messiah (or* Saviour) comes into th e world, He will be able to tell a ll' th ing s.” ' Then Jesus told h er (v. 26 ), “ I th a t speak unto thee, am He.” Now Jesu s can see rig h t into the h eart of every boy and g irl'tju st as He saw into the h eart of th is poor woman, and He knows all o u r ' thoughts, good and bad. He knows how hard it is for boys and girls and men and women to do right, and He w ants to help them. If we let Jesus come into our hearts, then He will give us the w ater of life th a t satisfies our th irst. He will answer our prayers. If we pray for fath er or mother, sis­ te r or brother, or our friends, in the name of Jesus, He will surely hear and answer. W hat do we mean by praying “in the name of Jesu s” ? If a person puts money into the bank, he cannot get it out again unless he w rites a check and signs his name to it. We cannot get anything ou t of the Bank of Heaven unless we ask for it in the name of Jesus, fo r everything be­ longs to Him. Our prayers are like the checks. If God, the F ath e r, sees Jesu s’ name on them , He will cash them for us. Memory Verse: “ If we ask anything, according to His will, He h eareth us.” (1 John 5:14:) Complete, thorough studies in John, by Keith L. Brooks will soon be off the press. Order this book— “The Son of God” — at once. Price 50 cents.

194 couldn’t get it? The country of Pales­ tine, in which Jesus lived, was very much like California. It was hot and dry and dusty in th e summer time, and people had to go a long distance to carry- w ater from the wells. Did you ever see a picture of women carrying w ater in jugs? W hat tim e was it when Jesus reached th e well? (The sixth hour, or about noon.) Where did th e disciples go? (v. 8.) Who came to the well to draw w ater? W hat did Jesus say to her? (v. 7.) W hat reply did th e woman make? (She knew th a t the man who spoke to her was a Jew, and for hundreds of years th e Jews and Sam aritans had hated each other. That made no differ­ ence to Jesus for He loves everybody and wants to help everybody, black and white, rich and poor, Jew or Samari­ tan .) Jesus said to the woman, “ If you knew who t am, you would ask m e to give you a drink of w ater, fo r I could give you w ater to d rink th a t would be ju st like a living spring.” W hat did th e woman ask, then? (v. 11, 12.) Jesu s-said , “The w ater th a t you draw from th is well doesn’t satisfy your th irst. You have to keep coming every day. But the w ater th a t I can give you will satisfy your th irsty heart, for it is th e w ater of life.” Of course, th e woman though t it would be fine to have th a t kind of w ater and not have to keep coming to th e well every day. Jesu s had to make His meaning plain to her, so He told h er to get her husband and bring him to the well also. W hat did the woman say? (v. 17.) Jesus knew all th e tim e th a t she wasn’t living w ith her husband as she should do, and th a t she was a sinner and needed a Saviour, bu t He wanted h er to confess it. Jesus knows every tim e we do wrong,

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