King's Business - 1923-02

196 swered in John 21:17: “Lord, thou knowest all th ing s.” Andrew “ finds a lad.” (He is th e man who is good a t finding, for he found P ete r.) The lad has five small loaves and two fishes. W hat a sweet little story th ere must be concerning th a t lad if we only knew it. No doubt when he saw th e crowd passing his home he asked his m other’s permission to go w ith them , and like a good mother she prepared some lunch for him con­ sisting of these five barley loaves and two dried herring. Now if Andrew had only stopped when he said, “There is a lad here which h ath five loaves and two small fishes” wouldn’t it have been splendid? Such an answer would have evinced a faith which would have pleased th e Lord. I wonder if we cannot learn th is im portant lesson? Andrew’s answer was like the statem en t of M artha in John 11:21, “Lord, if thou h ad st been here, my b ro ther had not died.” How she disappointed the Lord! (Psa. 78 :19 ). Is not th e bread and bu tte r question, afte r all, always th e g reat testing ques­ tion? The devil has sw itched more Christians from th e rig h t p ath through th is th an th rough any o th er agency. (3 ) FOOD FURNISHED, vs. 8-11. ' “Five barley loaves and two small fishes.” , Note what the Lord does w ith these five loaves and two fishes, or, as we would call them , “Five little buns and two dried h erring ,” a little lunch fo r a little boy. His first command is “Make th e men sit down” and th en “Bring them to me” (Matt. 1 4 :1 8 ). Then, w ith eyes tu rn ed to Heaven, He thanked His F ath e r for th e little, and began dis­ tribu ting to His disciples. He always works through n atu ra l channels. He links H is followers w ith H imself in His m ighty work. W hatever comes from His hand commands a blessing (Lev.

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 26 :8 ; Deut. 32 :30 ). “ How should o n e cha se a t h o u s tw o p u t t e n thou san d t o flig ht .” If th a t is true, what could a hund red men do? A little in H is hands grows mightily. Bring your little to Him, and also your littleness. P u t your small offerings a t His disposal. P u t your little life into His hand. Let the Lord bless it, break it and bestow it upon others. P a rt of your life may go to some cultured soul and p art of it to some culprit. Lives need to be pu t into th e hands of Jesus. How soon th e m ultitude would be fed if lives were broken and passed on! Think what Christ did w ith the 120 on th e day of Pentecost! In forty years Hudson Taylor saw seven hundred m issionaries and one thousand native workers in China. We need to be engaged w ith H is m ightiness rath e r th a n w ith our littleness. (4) FRAGMENTS GATHERED, vs. 12-14 “Gather th e fragm ents th a t nothing be lost.” There was abundance for all, but th e fragm ents were precious. Nothing is small in God’s eyes. Enough is wasted each day in Christian homes to evangelize th e world. Have you not had His blessing? Then let nothing be lost. There is no waste in nature. All seeming waste is utilized. The metal, the oil, th e coal which we prize so high­ ly are proofs of th is fact. There is no annihilation in nature. Do not waste moments. Opportuni­ ties, when gathered, mean much. Is not this an illu stration of th e text: “Give and it shall be given unto you.” Is it not tru e th a t the more we give the more we have? W hat is the meaning of the twelve baskets full? Is no t twelve Isra el’s number? Will th ere no t be crumbs enough from th e Master’s table to sup­ ply all Israel in th e days to come when He shall come back and tak e th e sceptre

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