King's Business - 1923-02



them , or if He has forgotten them . We are in a world of conflict. We must toil; we must pray; we m ust fight the good fight of faith. Satan is opposed to us and does not w ant us to reach the other side. W hat g reat need th e re is of faith in Him! Jesus saw them (Mark 6 :4 8 ). The eyes of th e Lord are upon the righteous (Ps. 103:14; 1 Pet. 3 :1 2 ). He comes w alking on th e w ater. They are filled w ith amazement and fear (Matt. 14:26) but His voice'gave assurance: “ I t is I; be not afraid .” How gladly they received Him! (Matt. 14:32-33). The wind ceased, for even th e waves are subject to His voice and must obey His will. Then they worshipped Him (Matt. 14:33; Rev. 4:11 ) and “immediately they were a t th e land” (v. 21). The night is over: the land reached. There is a wonderful dispensations! picture here: He is in th e glory; we are upon the sea; th e church toils and rows, and makes b u t little progress; some time, in the m idst of the world’s night, He will come and immediately we will be on the other side. And so our h earts are ever saying, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.” L ESSON S (1) Millions w ithout the Gospel should stir our hearts to sincere desire th a t they m ight be fed. (2) There is ample supply in Jesus Christ for th e whole world. (3) Nothing should be counted as too small or too insignificant to do or to give for Him. (4) Giving doth not impoverish God, nor will it us. (5) There is wonderfully m u lti­ plied blessing in everything committed to His h a n d s .1 (6) ^ He proves us at unexpected times, in unexpected ways. (7) There is g reat need of prayer in a busy life.

and Israel, H is earth ly people, shall re­ ceive th eir prophesied and long-expected portion? (5) FELLOWSHIP WITH THE FA­ THER , v. 15: “He departed into a m ountain.” When the people would have made him King, He resisted them as He did Satan. He will never be king un til God gives Him the kingdom (Psa. 2:7- 10; Acts l£ 6, 7 ). There was a time set for H is first advent, His crucifixion and for H is coming to receive the K ing­ dom (Heb. 4:14-15; 7:25, 26). He departed into a mountain alone to pray. He has fed th e m ultitude. Now he will feed His own soul. There are severe trials before the little flock. Some of the disciples will desert Him on the morrow. So He tu rn s H is back on th e scene of the m iracle and goes alone to pour out His soul in fellowship w ith His F ather. (T T FAITHFUL FRIEND, vs. 16-21. “ It is I; be not afraid .” While He is waiting on God He is watching His disciples. This is a type of the present life of Christ. He is in the presence of th e F a th e r interceding for us while we are on th e sea, w ith th e prow of our vessel toward the other shore. Not a sorrow, no t a sigh, not a tem ptation, not a difficulty, n o t a vic­ tory th a t escapes His notice. Before. Jesus went up into the moun­ tain He had told the disciples to take ship and go unto th e o th er side, to Bethsaida (M ark 6 :45 ,46 ). They sought to obey, but Satan opposed them. The storm broke upon them . They thought of Him. No doubt they wished for Him. How urgently men call upon the Lord when in trouble! How often they are in ­ different when things go well! It is night. They struggle alone. It is a tim e of doubt. Why had He sent them alone? It is a tim e of danger. They are likely to be shipwrecked. They wonder if He really cares for

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