King's Business - 1923-02


THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S (Jno. 1 :3 ). He made th e barley and th e fishes in the first place; why not multiply a t will? He is th e all-sufficient One! Have you, like the unselfish lad (th in k what it m eant for a hungry boy to hand over his lunch to an o th er!) put into Jesu s’ hand w hat you are and have, little though it be? He can use even you to feed needy multitudes w ith the bread of life. , The lad had nothing to reg ret, but much to make him glad. So it will be w ith you, if you will yield to Him. m (Review: The Lamb; The Sign-Post; The Wedding; The House-Cleaning; The Housetop Visit; The Two K inds of Serpents; The Woman a t th e Well.) Repeat Memory Verse (1 John 5 :1 4 ). You remember la st week we had the sto ry of the woman of Samaria who came to draw w ater and found Jesus sitting beside th e well. W hat did Jesus say to her? (v. 7.) Did she give Him th e water? W hat did Jesus say He could give her? (Living w ater.) W hat did Jesu s mean by saying th a t He could give her living w ater so th a t she would never th irst? (Jesus is the w ater of life, and if we believe on Him, He satisfies th e th irst of our souls. [Rev. 21:6 and 2 2 :1 7 .]) Djd the woman believe Jesus and drink of th e w ater of life? How do we know? (Because she sta rted out rig h t away to bring others to Jesus; [vs. 28, 29, 39 .]) She was in such a h u rry to tell others the wonderful news th a t she had found the Saviour, th a t she forgot all about the w ater pot which she had brought to the well to fill, and left it there. She THE JUNIORS A HARVEST FIELD Jo h n 4:1-15


“Five thousand men, besides women and children’’ (Matt. 1 4 :21 ), tired and hungry afte r th e ir walk around the no rthern end of the Sea of Galilee, seeking Jesus, who, seeing them , was “moved w ith compassion” (Matt. 1 4 :14 ), and purposed to meet th eir need. 2. CALCULATING PHILIP. In answer to Je su s’ question, Philip said it would take about 134.00 worth of bread to supply each one w ith “a little .” His calculation was entirely on the basis of the n atu ra l, leaving out of account the supernatu ral, all-sufficient power of his Lord. There are many today in P hilip’s class. A re you? 3. CAUTIOUS ANDREW. Andrew took account of what was available, bu t was very cautious in making his suggestion— “There is a lad here, which h ath five barley loaves and two small fishes; bu t what are they among so many?” 4. THE ALL-SUFFICIENT SON OF GOD. Andrew did not see how th is very small provision could possibly meet the need; yet th ere was evidently an ele­ m ent of faith , in his cautious remark.. A littie faith, a Jittle bread, and two little fishes. “W hat are these among so many? Ah, but Christ th e Lord is near! “Jesus took the loaves . . . and . . . the fishes,” and lo, th ere was “enough and to spare.” The thousands had, no t merely “a little ,” bu t plenty,-— they were all filled.' “ Impossible!” say some. Impossible w ith whom? W ith m an? Yes. Man can­ not make one g rain of barley, nor one little minnow. Jesus Christ could, and did. “All things were made by H im” He can multiply if need be; Thou need’st have no fear.”

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