King's Business - 1923-02



them to H im .) You remember the song we sometimes sing, “We shall come rejoicing, bringing .in the sheaves.” That means th a t all the people who are saved because we have told them about Jesus will be like the sheaves which the reaper brings home a t th e close of th e day. Jesus says th a t the reapers will re ­ ceive wages, or a reward. Did you ever get a rew ard? Did it make you happy? Would you like to have Jesus give you a reward? Do you th in k th a t Jesus keeps ac­ count of everything we do for Him? He says th a t if we “ give a cup of cold w ater in His nam e” we will surely be rewarded. (Mark 9:41.) Surely we will get a rew ard if we give people the “W ater of L ife.” Then we read, in Malachi 3:16-17, th a t when God’s children ta lk together about Him, He listens and w rites th eir names down in H is book of remem ­ brance and God says, “They shall be mine in th a t day when I make up my jewels.” Memory verse: “They th a t be wise shall shine as th e brightness of the firmament; and they th a t tu rn many to righteousness as the sta rs forever and ever.” (Dan. 11:3.) Êè KH of the five thousand, the people crossed the lake and came to Capernaum , “ seek­ ing for Je sú s” (v. 24). The miracle had excited th eir curiosity, bu t no faith in Himself. They were seeking Him not for w hat He was, bu t for w hat He did. Jesus never tu rn ed away any honest seeker, bu t He never satisfied any idle curiosity. (1) THE WANT OF L IFE , vs. 22-2 7. “Labour not for the .m e^t th a t perisheth."

ran into th e city and told th e people, “Come, see a man which told me all things I ever did. Is not th is the C h rist?” She was so eager and h er face was so full of joy and happiness, th a t th e people all wanted to see th e Man who had made such a change in her, and they all went ou t to th e \yell and invited Jesu s to stay in the city and tell them about th e “Living W ater” which would satisfy th e ir th irst. Jesus went w ith them and stayed two whole days th ere, and besides the people who believed because of w hat th e woman told them , many more believed because of Jesu s’ own words, (vs. 41, 42.) When the disciples retu rn ed from the city where they had gone to buy food, what did they say to Jesus? (v. 31.) W hat did Jesus say to them ? (v. 32.) W hat did He say His food was? (v. 34.) Jesus forgot all about H is hunger and th irst and weariness when He had a chance to win a soul. W hat did Jesu s mean when He told His disciples to “ lift up th eir eyes and look on th e h arvest fields” ? (He m eant th a t the world was like a g reat harvest field, and tho se of us who have been “ born again,” by believing in Jesus— as we learned in th e lesson about Nico- demus— ought to go to our friends ju st as th is Sam aritan woman did and bring Golden Text: “ I am th a t bread of life” (John 6 :4 8 ). Time: Day following Feeding of the Five Thousand. Place: Capernaum. Outline. ( 1 ) - The W ant of Life, vs. 22-27. (2) The Work of Life, vs. 28-29. (3) The W ealth of Life, vs. 30-35. (.4) The W aste of Life, vs. 36-40. Introduction: The next day following the feeding

MARCH 4, 1923 JESUS, THE BREAD OF LIFE—John 6:22-40

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