King's Business - 1923-02



Men will go anywhere and do any­ thing for bread. The machinery of the world is moved th rough need. Seas are crossed, mountains aré scaled, th e earth is tunnelled, privation is endured, for bread. Men m ust have bread if they are to live, and they m ust labor for it. One of the blessings connected w ith the curse is, “ In th e sweat of thy face 'sh a lt thou eat b read ” (Gen. 3 :19 ). The food which had been supplied them satisfied for the tim e th e need of th e ir bodies, bu t it did no t suffice for th e n ex t day. So they looked again for th e m iracle-worker. I t was easier th an working. They sought Him. They found Him. He knew them . He charged them w ith selfish desires for food for the body (v. 26 ). He urged them to seek for th e soul food— th e life everlasting (v. 27). Our Lord is pu tting before them a great life principle— “ first things first.” The sottl and its needs must have a place of higher value in th e thoughts of man th an the need of food fo r th e body. Men must toil for bread— yes; bu t men must seek first the rig h t relation with God. Men must be in harmony with God’s sp iritual law for the soul. Then th e ir daily toil will be carried on in sweet -submission to His will. They will be able to say, “All things work to ­ gether for good to them th a t love God.” If God prospers in temporal things they will be able to recognize His favor and give Him the glory and use the means en tru sted to them for the saving of others. (2) THE WORK OF L IFE , vs. 28-29. “This is the work of God, th a t ye believe.” Men are stim ulated by faith. They are inspired to undertake g reat things for God. We must believe God, be­ lieve His love, His gifts. His purpose. This is the highest possible service and brings the largest results. Not works, but work. F aith is th e work of God,

It is simple, yet effective and produces the larg est fru it. The term s “ believe,” “ come,” “look,” “ eat,” "d rin k ,”— are all phases of one thing— faith (Gal. 5 : 6 ) .’ “ For in C h r i s t J e su s ne ither an y th in g , n o r u n si on ; hut f a it h w hic h w or ket h by (Isa. 55 :2 ; Luke 10:40-42.) T h e work of God is faith, and it is very definitely described in v. 29. How simple, how practical, how definite! Ju st believe! Believe on Him whom God h ath sent— Jesus Christ— God’s only be­ gotten Son— as th e Saviour, the Soul- satisfier! P au l enlarges upon this doctrine th a t faith is a work (Rom. 4 :4 -5 ). “ N o w t o h im t h a t w or ket h i s w a rd not reckon ed o f grace, but But t o h im t h a t w or ket h no t, Il eveth on h im t h a t J n s t U l e t h go dly , h is f a i t h i s c o u n te d for r i ne ss .” (Rom. 10:3-4.) “ Fo r t h e y , b e in g ign or ant o f ri ght eo usn es s, a n d g o in g a b o u t l is h t he ir own ri g ht eo us ne ss, h su bmitted t he m se lv es unto t h e ri ne ss o f G o d . Fo r C h r i s t is t h e e n d o f t h e l r ig ht e o us ne ss t o ev ery one t h a t et h .” F aith is separate from works (Eph. 2 :9 ) and is th e foundation of all good works (Heb. 1 1 :6 ). “ Bu t w it ho ut f a i t h i t i s im possi please h im ; for he t h a t co me th must be lie ve t h a t H e is, a n d t h a r ew a rd er o f them t ha t d il ig e n t h im . ” F aith secures th e resu lt of God’s finished work in Jesus Christ— the Bread from Heaven. (3) THE WEALTH OF L IFE , vs. 30-35. “The bread of God * * * giveth life to the world.” Jesu s is th e Bread of Life (vs. 33-35). Bread is th e staff of life. Bread and w ater are the two g reat es­ sentials for men. W hat food and drink are for the body, Jesus is for the soul of man. There is, through sp iritual law, a communication of the life of Jesus Christ to believers. The traveler over a rugged road must be sustained. There must be food and drink. The traveler over life’s high- c sio n ava ileth

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