King's Business - 1923-02


COMMENT—By tke Editors

B aptist preacher, is reported to have said some things in reply to the mod­ ern ists who have been pleading so ear­ nestly fo r “ courtesy, kindliness and h u ­ m ility.” Dr. Taylor says: “Courtesy and kindliness, toleration and hum ility are right. Always. And immediately it proceeds to violate these cardinal v irtu es by proclaim ing itself the prod­ uct of a modern m ind duly equipped w ith th e new knowledge and deeply in ­ terested in th e welfare of th e race, while it assumes th a t those whom it arraign s have an in ferio r so rt of mind and are igno ran t of th e new knowledge and are w illing to play w ith tiddle-de- w inks and peccadillos in th e face of colossal issues. L ittle Neros fiddling, while Rome is burning and Big Ikes are aglow w ith zeal to p u t out th e flames! Thus it illu strates its conception of hu ­ m ility and tolerance, kindness and cour­ tesy: I t is th e usual way w ith those who have come in to th e larg er conceit of - th e ir own superior m entality and newer knowledge.” Orthodox Minister—A Curiosity A newspaper recording th e resigna­ tion of a pastor in th e town, inform s th e credulous public th a t “ he actually believes th a t th e book of Jonah is his­ tory, and th a t all th e Bible is inspired; and, moreover, he preaches about cer­ ta in Biblical subjects w ith th e assu r­ ance and boldness of a past age.” The inference is th a t th e people have be­ come so accustomed to hearing unbelief in th a t town, th a t when a m inister comes in who proclaims th e tru th , he is regarded as an antique curiosity. Such is th e progress of the apostasy in many districts. Bible a S ectarian Book California’s Supreme Court rules th a t the Bible is a sectarian book, since the King Jam es Version is “ the accepted P ro testan t version.” Therefore the purchase of a Bible by any school is a direct violation of th e state law which prohibits th e “acquisition of sectarian books by public schools.” Why no t make

Efficiency A new definition of efficiency is put fo rth by th e Kansas Indu strialist: "E f­ ficiency is the a r t of spending nine- tenths of one’s tim e in making out re­ ports th a t somebody th ink s he is going to read, bu t never does.” There is a great deal of such “efficiency” in th e modern church. Modem Scribes an d P harisees A widely traveled editor of Great B ritain declares th a t " a t least 75 per cent of th e pastors of England are un ­ sound in doctrine.” Who knows what the proportion is in America? Are we fa r from the condition which existed when Jesus was on earth ? Will God again lay hold of humble fishermen and laborers to carry on th e Gospel? Authorities! The modem “ religious au tho rities” are talking about "th e assured results of scholarship.” The P apists talk about the “ unanimous consent of th e Catholic fath ers.” Both are absurdities. Thank God, the tru th of God is not lodged with any kind of' “au tho rities” b u t may be revealed by th e Spirit of God to every honest and humble heart. They Think They Think Dr. Munhall says in The E astern Methodist: “A city in Ohio is amused a t the church notices of our Methodist preacher there, ‘Sermons fo r people who th in k .’ And the preacher is like th e Methodist leader once ch aracter­ ized to th e w riter by Bishop. Luccock on th a t leader’s prejudices— ‘Sometimes he th ink s he thinks. But what he is doing is rearrang ing his prejudices.’ So th e pretentious echoes of H igher Criticism and ‘Evolution’ like this preacher, all th e tim e they th in k they think! But what they are doing is re­ arrang ing Biblical criticism and Evolu­ tion philosophy th a t has learned not one new idea since 1880. Rip Van W inkles already forty-two years asleep. No wonder it is to laugh !” The Hum ility of th e Modernist Dr. J. J. Taylor, a North Carolina

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