King's Business - 1923-02

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S “And forgive us our debts, as we fo r­ give our debtors”— Jesus. And love is reflected in love—-Eddy “And lead us no t into temptation, but deliver us from evil”— Jesus. And God leadeth us n o t in to tem p ta­ tion, b u t delivereth us from sin, dis­ ease an d d eath— Eddy. “Fo r thine is th e kingdom, and the power, and th e glory, forever”— Jesus. F o r God is infinite, all power, all life, tru th , love, over all and all— Eddy. A fter having embraced “Christian Science” w ith a creed like th at, do you th ink you will ever have the face again to go to God on H is throne of mercy, in prayer? — J. M. Robertson. US? SIN SIMILITUDES Sin is like th e descent of a hill, where every step we ta k e increases th e diffi­ culty of our retu rn . Sin is like a river in its course; th e longer it runs, it wears a deeper channel, and the fa rth er from th e fountain, it swells in volume and acquires a g reater strength. Sin is like a tree in its progress; th e longer it grows it spreads its roots the w ider; grows taller, grows th ick er; till th e sapling which once an in fan t’s arm could bend, raises its head aloft, de­ fiant of the storm . Sin in its habits be­ comes stronger every day— the h eart grows h ard e r; th e conscience grows du ller; th e distance between God and the-soul grows g reater; and like a rock hurled from the m ountain’s top, the fa rth er we descend, we go down, and down and down, w ith g reater and g rea t­ er rapidity.—Dr. Guthrie. M m PRICE OF POWER “ I would give th e world to have your experience,” said a wealthy man to a Christian lady. “T h at’s ju st w hat it cost me,” she replied; “ I gave the world for it.” “ Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”



f The Lord HIMSELF J 1 By D. TREHARNE (E n g lan d ) fliiiutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliP 1 Luke 24 we learn th a t on the th ird day afte r His Cruci­ fixion (verse 21) Jesus H im­ self walked w ith two sad dis­ ciples to Emmaus. He broke bread a t th e ir lodging before He left them (verse 30). Again a little later, when the eleven were gathered together Jesus H imself stood in th e m idst of them . His sud­ den appearance, when th e doors were shut (John 20:19) led them to suppose th a t it was a spirit, and they were frightened (Luke J24:37). By asking them to examine His hands and His feet, and to handle H im ; and fu rth er, by eating some broiled fish, and honeycomb, before them , He was able to convince them th a t He was pos­ sessed of flesh and bones, and was bod­ ily present (verses 39-43). Now we learn from I. Thessalonians 4:16 th a t th e Lord H imself shall de­ scend from heaven, and in John 14:3 He tells His troubled followers, “ I will come again and receive you unto My­ self.” I would th erefo re point out an im ­ po rtan t lesson conveyed in these Scrip­ tures. Take this verse: “Behold, My hands and My feet th a t it is I Myself: handle Me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see Me have.” (Luke 2 4 :39 ). Therefore it was not a sp irit; th e re­ fore n o t even His Spirit they were be­ holding, bu t what He calls “I Myself.” We th u s gather, unless unduly dull of apprehension, th a t when He says I My­ self, He means H is bodily presence. As th e re are still some of God’s peo­ ple who th in k th e Second Coming of the Lord is a "sp iritu al” coming I would

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