“Leadership is a transference of belief,” Jessi explains. “You’re transferring belief during the Strategy Session. If you don’t have the belief, then you won’t do the work. The belief has to come first. So I listen to someone’s story, I help them understand their why , and then I show them how Melaleuca can be a vehicle to help them reach it.”
their real need is. If they say they want to earn $2,000 a month, ask them how that $2,000 would make them feel. Why is it important? You have to get into the emotion of their why . Don’t be afraid of conversation. You need to find out what that emotional anchor is for them because that is what will keep them centered and focused, even when they get a few noes .” As Ashley explains, you don’t need to shy away from the noes . “You need to let them know at the very beginning that noes are common and that they happen to every one of us,” she says. “It’s all very normal, but you don’t want it to derail you. Just continue to show up and put one foot in front of the other, and it will pay off.” “Then the next step, and this is really important,” Jessi adds, “is that you have to help them get a win quickly, while their hope is high.” FOCUS ON THE RIGHT ACTIVITIES Helping a new business builder get their first win takes effort on the enroller’s part to ensure that the new Marketing Executive focuses on the right activities. “You need to help your new business builders with each
step along the way.” Myrna explains. “There’s a lot of hand-holding in the beginning.” “On our team, we show, shadow, and duplicate,” Jessi says. “So in the beginning, I’m just showing them what to do. I’m doing all the Melaleuca Overviews. I’m doing all the Strategy Sessions. Their only job is to put people in front of me. But I’m telling them to take notes and pay attention because they’re going to be doing those things themselves in a couple of weeks. And then I move into shadowing, where they are doing the Overviews, but I’m there watching and helping. Afterwards, I can give them feedback because the final stage is to duplicate, where they are out on their own teaching their team these same principles. “Then they just have to commit to the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities and make it about other people. Doing that helps them get rid of the butterflies because then it’s not about them anymore—it’s about everyone else. If you just focus on doing the work and helping others, you’ll emotionally remove yourself from the results and the results will come.”
“If you just focus on doing the work and helping others, you’ll emotionally remove yourself from the results and the results will come.”
Corporate Director 4 Myrna Atha emphasizes the importance of discovering someone’s why . “When it comes to enrolling others,” she says, “you have to remember that their why might not be your why . You need to go through a fact-finding mission and just dig down and find out what
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