Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya

Chapter Eighteen The Removal of Çréla Jéva Gosvämé’s Doubts and His Journey to Våndävana All glories to Çré Gauräìga, the son of Çacé! All glories to Nityänanda, the son of Padmävaté and life of Jähnavä! All glories to Advaita Prabhu, the husband of Sétä! All glories to Gadädhara! And all glories to the devotees headed by Çréväsa! After hearing Çré Jéva’s question, Nityänanda Räya spoke this profound truth amongst the assembled devotees, “Listen, Jéva. Both Våndävana and Navadvépa are the shelter of countless blissful devotees. Purified living entities who have crossed over the material nature live here as Kåñëa’s associates. This dhäma is an eternally pure spiritual abode, where material nature and time are conquered. In this abode, the land and time are eternally full of bliss and completely opposite to the material world. You should know that the houses, doors, rivers, streams, forests, and court‑yards are all completely spiritual and intensely attractive. “That blissful place, transcendental to material nature, rests on Kåñëa’s inconceivable and supremely magnanimous sandhiné energy. By that energy the dhäma has descended here in Nadia, for Kåñëa’s real desire is to deliver the living entities. Materialistic persons cannot enter the dhäma , nor is there any material influence here. Mäyä has eternally covered the dhäma with a film of dull matter. People who have no relationship with Kåñëa Caitanya simply live on top of that covering, blind to the real truth. Though one is thinking, ‘ I am in Navadvépa,’ Prauòhä Mäyä happily keeps that person far away from the dhäma . But if by some great fortune one receives the association of a devotee, that relationship, or sambandha , with Çré Caitanya will be established. “This topic of sambandha is a deep thing, O son of Vallabha, a treasure that the conditioned souls cannot easily understand. Even if one calls out the name of Çré Kåñëa Caitanya with seeming affection, if that relationship is not established in his heart, he simply remains in the material realm. Such a person resides on top of the dhäma’s illusory covering and never attains pure bhakti .


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