“O Sati, without service to the lotus feet of Gauräìga, a person cannot obtain Rädhä and Kåñëa, even after accumulating lifetimes of pious activities. Therefore Pärvaté, you should constantly hear about the character of Lord Gauräìga.” Çré Närada said, “O Gautama, being again questioned by Pärvaté, the merciful Lord Çiva began to describe in a loud voice the character of Gauräìga.”
Thus ends the Third Chapter of the Second part of the Çré Caitanya Janma‑khaëòa of the Ananta‑saàhitä.
Gautama said, “O best of the munis , please be merciful and tell me what Pärvaté then asked Lord Çiva.” Çré Närada said, “After hearing the glories of Navadvépa and wanting to know the cause of its appearance, Pärvatédevé inquired from Lord Çiva.” Pärvaté said, “O Lord, please describe exactly how and when Çrématé Rädhikä created Navadvépa.” Lord Çiva replied, “O Pärvaté, please hear the reason for Navadvépa’s appearance, as described in the Ananta‑saàhitä and as I have heard from the mouth of Lord Näräyaëa. “As a bee plays in a lotus, Kåñëa was enjoying with Virajä in the pleasant forest groves of Våndävana. Moon‑faced, doe‑eyed Rädhikä heard this news from one sakhé and hastily ran to find Kåñëa. Seeing that Rädhä was coming, Kåñëa suddenly disappeared, and Virajä became a river. Rädhä again heard that Kåñëa was enjoying with Virajä, but when She arrived there She could not find them. Absorbed in thoughts of Kåñëa, Rädhä began to think. “She gathered Her sakhés together between the Ganges and Yamunä Rivers. She created there a beautiful place, decorated with creepers and trees and filled with male and female bumble bees. Deer and buck were happily enjoying as they wandered about, and the whole area was filled with the fragrance of jasmine, mallikä , and mälaté flowers. That transcendental abode was adorned with tulasé forests and decorated with various groves. On Rädhä’s order, the Ganges and Yamunä, with their pleasant water and banks, acted as a moat to protect the garden. Cupid
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