Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya



In the north is situated Mathurä, which fulfills all desires and is glorified in the Varäha and Viñëu Puräëas . Mathurä, situated in Sémantadvépa, is glorified in the Padma Puräëa in the following words: “This Mathurä is more auspicious than Vaikuëöha, for simply by residing here for just one day a person develops devotion to the Lord!” In the Viñëu Puräëa it is said: “O best of munis , on the twelfth day of the waxing moon in the month of Jyeñöhä when the moon is in the constellation Müla, one who fasts, bathes in the water of the Yamunä, and worships Acyuta in Mathurä obtains the result of performing an açvamedha sacrifice.” In the Varäha Puräëa , Varäha says, “O Vasundharä, in the heavenly, earthly, or hellish planetary systems there is no place dearer to Me than Mathurä.” Hearing the Lord speak, Påthvé, mother earth, bowed her head in respect and spoke the following pure words. Påthvé said, “O Lord, why do You ignore Puñkara, Naimiñäraëya, and Väräëasé to praise only Mathurä?” Varäha answered, “O sinless earth, listen as I describe clearly everything. My birthplace, Mathurä, is extremely pleasant and agreeable, and it is very dear to Me. Listen as I explain why I praise Mathurä. This city destroys all sins, and whoever lives here obtains liberation. Whatever results men attain at Prayäga during the month of Mägha are attained by the residents of Mathurä every day. O mother earth, whatever results a person attains during the month of Kärtika at Puñkara can be attained at Mathurä every day. Whatever results a person can attain by residing in Väräëasé for one thousand years can be attained at Mathurä in one moment. That person who leaves Mathurä due to being attracted to other places becomes bewildered by My external energy and wanders in the world of birth and death forever. “Anyone who hears or speaks the glories of Mathurä is freed from all sins. All the térthas on earth, including the oceans and lakes, go to Mathurä when Janardana goes to sleep. Even the lowest persons residing in Mathurä attain the highest goal by My mercy. Of this there is no doubt.

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