Chapter Four
“In Antardvépa, the Lord Himself described to Brahmä the significance of Gauräìga’s incarnation. And you saw the attractive form of the Lord at Sémantadvépa. Close by is Mathurä, where Kaàsa took birth in Kali‑yuga in the family of yavanas . After purifying Kaàsa through His kértana and discussions, Gaurasundara went to twelve térthas on the Ganges and then to Çrédhara’s house, which is the same as Sudäma’s house. O Pärvaté, in that place is a pond called Viçräma‑kuëòa. “Then going to Mayamäré, Gauräìga witnessed the prowess of Balaräma. Passing from there, the Lord danced in kértana at the fort of Suvarna Sena. O Pärvaté, Gauräìga then went to Devapallé, where He flooded the devatäs headed by Surya with the blissful chanting of Kåñëa’s name. “Having visited Harihara‑kñetra and Käçé, which give liberation, the Lord arrived at Godrumadvépa, which is eternally worshiped by Surabhi. There He danced before Märkaëòeya Åñi in great ecstasy. Then He went to Naimiña‑tértha (Naimiñäraëya) in Madhyadvépa and danced with Nityänanda and His other associates in the maëòapa of the seven åñis .Going toPuñkara‑tértha, which is worshiped by the brähmaëas , He inundated Kurukñetra of Brahmävarta with kértana . “Crossing the Ganges at Mahä‑Prayäga, the confluence of five holy rivers, Gauräìga arrived at Koladvépa. After chanting the holy name in the kingdom of Samudra Sena, where the Ganges and ocean meet, He proceeded to Campahaööa. Arriving at Åtudvépa and seeing the splendid forest, the son of Çacé remembered Rädhä‑kuëòa and began to weep. “Enjoying the bliss of kértana , the Lord and His associates saw Vidyänagara, where Vedic knowledge resides. After going to Jahnudvépa and seeing the place where Jahnu Muni performed austerities, the Lord went to Modadrumadvépa and became blissful remembering thepastimesRämacandraperformed there. TheLord saw Niéçreyasa forest within Vaikuëöhapura and Brahmäëénagara across the Virajä River, and then He went to Mahatpura. “After seeing the auspicious Kamyavana, where the Päëòavas resided in exile, and Païcavati, the Lord went to Çaìkarapura. Arriving at Pulina, Gauräìga, chanting the name of Kåñëa, saw
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