Chapter Four
as well as the devatäs , pitås , munis , and åñis all long to eat Gauräìga’s prasäda . The food offered to Gauräìga is worshipable by us, and the pure flowers and tulasé offered to the Lord should be accepted by all people. I will throw into the hell called Raurava and punish those people who have no attachment for mahä‑prasäda , being blinded by family pride and illusion, puffed up with knowledge, or contaminated with sin. I am telling you the truth. Do not doubt it. “If anywhere in Navadvépa a caëòäla offers viñëu‑prasäda to Lord Brahmä, he will certainly eat it. Even if the prasäda is dried up, stale, or brought from a distant place, one should immediately eat it without consideration of proper or improper time. In taking Gauräìga mahä‑prasäda , there is no rule concerning purity of place, giver, or receiver. O Pärvaté, if a person takes Gauräìga mahä‑prasäda up to the throat, he will develop devotion to Gauräìga. In eating gaura‑prasäda , there is no consideration of the fault of overeating. “There is no consideration of fitness for hearing the glories of Navadvépa. Dying in other térthas gives either material enjoyment or liberation, but dying in Navadvépa gives pure devotion to the Lord. In Navadvépa there is no consideration of a faulty death—at an inauspicious time, in pain, in the house, or by accident. Death at other térthas while practicing yoga or death in Käçé while absorbed in impersonal meditation become insignificant when compared to death in Navadvépa. “Living in Navadvépa for one day is better than living in Prayäga, Väräëasé, or any other tértha for a kalpa . Whatever results one obtains by yoga, one achieves in Navadvépa. With every step one attains the results of great sacrifices, and by lying down and sleeping in Navadvépa, one gets the results of offering obeisances. Just by taking an ordinary meal in Navadvépa, one gets the results of eating the Lord’s remnants. So, what more can I say regarding the faithful person who is devoted to chanting the holy name and taking Gauräìga’s remnants with faith and devotion? “O Pärvaté, in brief I have narrated as you wished. By the desire of Gauräìga, please keep this a secret. When the fortunate age of Kali arrives, Gauräìga will manifest His attractive pastimes and the glories of Navadvépa will become apparent.”
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