Thus ends the glorification of Navadvépa from the Ürddhvämnäya Mahä‑tantra.
In the Viçvasära‑tantra , Çiva says to Pärvaté, “In the southern part of the Ganges, at attractive Navadvépa, on the Phälguna Pürëimä, Lord Kåñëa will be born in the house of Jagannätha Miçra in the womb of Çacé to destroy the sins of Kali‑yuga.” In the Kularnava‑tantra , Lord Çiva says to Pärvaté, “Then at the beginning of Kali‑yuga a great person with all good qualities will be born on the bank of the Ganges to preach the name of Hari.” In the Båhad‑brahma‑yämala‑tantra it is stated: “All glories to blissful Gauracandra, Narahari, the conqueror of the three worlds. He appears in Kali‑yuga at Navadvépa on the bank of the Ganges with a beautiful form and golden complexion. He delivers the sinful from the ocean of sin by giving them the pure name of Hari. “I offer my respects to Çré Gaurasundara, who lives in Navadvépa for the destruction of the sins of Kali‑yuga. He has a garland around His neck, His cheeks shine from the luster of golden ornaments hanging from His ears, His arms are decorated with jeweled bracelets and armbands, and He gives the devotees the name of Hari, which destroys all sins.” In the Kapila‑tantra it is said: “In Kali‑yuga, the Lord will take birth in a brähmaëa’s house at Mäyäpur in Jambudvépa. He will perform kértana along with His associates.” In the Mukti‑saìkaliné‑tantra it is said: “In Satya‑yuga, Kurukñetra is the tértha ; in Treta‑yuga, Puñkara is the tértha ; in Dväpara‑yuga, Naimiñäraëya is the tértha ; and in Kali‑yuga, Navadvépa is the tértha .” In the Brahma‑yämala it is said: “Sometimes I personally appear on the surface of the world in the garb of a devotee. Specifically, I appear as the son of Çaci in Kali‑yuga to start the saìkértana movement.” In the Kåñëa‑yämala it is said: “I shall appear in the holy land of Navadvépa as the son of Çacidevé.”
Thus ends the Fourth Chapter of the Navadvépa‑dhäma‑mähätmya, Pramäëa‑khaëòa.
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