waves and currents become agitated. Taking up her residence in Navadvépa she adds glory to that tract of land. In Navadvépa live exalted brähmaëas , who follow strict rules of conduct and are personified forms of the çruti and småti injunctions. In Navadvépa live doctors with elevated character as well as vaiçyas fixed in their occupational duties and adorned with the fame attained by their noble behavior. In the Caitanya‑candrodaya‑näöaka it is said: “All glories to Gauòa‑bhumi, the crest jewel of all holy places, within which is situated the town known as Navadvépa. The golden‑complexioned Gauräìga descended there, and every house vibrates with the presence of Bhaktidevé.” In the Gaura‑gaëoddeça‑dépikä it is stated: “All glories to the most wonderful abode of Navadvépa, which those in full knowledge of rasa call Våndävana, which people of knowledge call Goloka, which others call Svetadvépa, and still others call Paravyoma, the spiritual sky.” In the Caitanyadeva Stava it is said: “May that form of Lord Caitanya be merciful on us. He is the only goal of the Vaiñëavas. He revealed the glories of Navadvépa, ornamented the brähmaëa families by His birth, and purified the order of sannyäsa by accepting its vows.” Now listen to the words of Prabodhänanda Sarasvaté concerning Navadvépa. “I praise the Supreme Lord in the form of Lord Caitanya, who, crossing the limits of Godhead, appeared in the form of a devotee to generously help the living entity relish Kåñëa. He appeared in the supreme abode Navadvépa‑dhäma for bestowing on the living entities the sweet nectarean stream of His own pure prema .” Çréla Våndävana däsa Öhäkura says: “With the eternal devotees and eternal Bhaktidevé, in the eternal dhäma , I eternally worship the one Absolute Truth, brahma sütram , the essence of Godhead, eternally appearing in the form of Nityänanda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, and Caitanya Mahäprabhu.” Meditation on Navadvépa‑dhäma: On the banks of the Ganges are the most excellent flowering trees and creepers, and in her waters are rows of waves. Gentle refreshing breezes blow over her surface, and bees gather amongst
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