Chapter Five
praty-älayaà yaà çrayate sadä çrés taà çré-navadvépam ahaà smarämi
I meditate on Navadvépa dhäma, which is filled with innumerable golden houses within each of which Lakñmé resides.
vidyä-dayä-kñanti-makhaiù samastaiù ñaòbhir guëair yatra janaù prapannaù saàstüyamänä åñi-deva-siddhais taà çré-navadvépam ahaà smarämi
I meditate on Navadvépa dhäma, which is praised by sages, devatäs and realized persons and which is filled with people endowed with knowledge, mercy, forgiveness, sacrifice, and the six good qualities. yasyäntare miçra-purandarasya sänanda-gamyaika-padaà niväsaù çré-gaura-janmädika-lélayäòhyas taà çré-navadvépam ahaà smarämi I meditate on Navadvépa dhäma, wherein is situated Jagannätha Miçra’s house, which is filled with Gaurasundara’s pastimes beginning from birth and which is meant for the Lord’s pleasure alone.
gauro yatra bhraman hariù sva-bhaktaiù saìkértana-prema-bhareëa sarvam nimajjayaty ullasad-unmadäbdhau taà çré-navadvépam ahaà smarämi
I meditate on Navadvépa, where Gauräìga would wander along with His devotees. Filled with prema generated from their kértana, they would drown everyone in the ocean of love of Kåñëa. etan navadvépa-vicintanäòhyaà padyäñöakaà préta-manäù paöhed yaù çrémac-chacénandana-päda-padme su-durlabhaà prema samäpnuyät saù
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