Çré Navadvépa Bhäva‑taraìga Ecstatic Waves of Navadvépa Navadvépa, which extends sixteen kroças , is the crest jewel of all spiritual abodes and the sporting ground of the Lord’s sandhiné potency. It is the home of the Lord’s cit and änanda potencies and the resting place of all åñis , térthas , demigods, and Vedas . May that Çré Navadvépa‑dhäma become visible to my eyes. May my eyes see the sixteen kroças of Våndävana within Mathurä‑maëòala as identical with Navadvépa within Gauòa‑maëòala. These two dhämas manifest from one principle which appears as two infinite and purely spiritual abodes to accommodate the Lord’s diverse pastimes. By His inconceivable, infinite spiritual potency ( acintya‑çakti ), the Lord has brought these two dhämas into the material world to liberate the living entities dwelling here. By the mercy of Çré Kåñëa, may living entities bound by ignorance see Våndävana and Navadvépa‑dhäma. By attaining proper qualification, the senses of the living entities can taste the spiritual nectar of these dhämas . Those with unqualified material senses cannot taste that sweet nectar and repeatedly deride these places as insignificant matter. Themercy of Kåñëa andHis devotees is the agent for qualifying the senses. Out of compassion, the sadhus give this mercy to the devotees by their association. Proper qualification cannot be attained by following the paths of jïäna , karma , or yoga. Only by the strength of devotional faith and association with devotees is material illusion conquered. The moment the senses are released from the network of material illusion, the eyes will see the splendor of the spiritual dhäma . Oh, when will I attain that state? When will I see Çré Navadvépa‑dhäma beyond the illusion of this material world? Resembling an eight‑petaled lotus, this pure abode is more cooling than ten million moons and more effulgent than ten million suns. When will that dhäma appear before my eyes?
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