Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya

Ecstatic Waves of Navadvépa


By the mercy of Çré Nityänanda, the holder of all spiritual powers, may that Mäyäpur be revealed to my eyes and beheld with proper reverence. O Nityänanda, please bless this worthless fool with a vision of the household pastimes Gauräìga performed here. Mäyäpur rests in the center of Antardvépa like the whorl of an eight‑petaled lotus. May this supremely pure abode with a golden yellow effulgence always shimmer before my eyes. Here and there are groves, the lakeof Påthu, andmany pastures for the cows. How beautiful they are to see! There are many water canals, grain fields, and wide roads lined with kadamba , bakula , and many other types of trees. To the west, on the bank of the Ganges, stands the famous village Gaìgänagara where the Lord and His brähmaëa friends studied in Gaìgädäsa’s house. There also one can see Bharadväja‑öilä, where the great Bharadväja Muni attained prema by worshiping Gauräìga. After attaining gaura‑prema , he wrote sütras that instilled devotional service in many materialistic people. North of Påthu‑kuëòa is Mathurä, the Chand Kazi’s village, as well as Ñañöhi‑tértha, and the exquisite Madhuvana, an extensive area scattered with many residences. O eyes, please become purified by seeing this scene. Further north is attractive Çaraòäìgä, where the sabara race, out of fear of the demon Raktabähu, secretly reside with Lord Jagannätha. May I always keep sight of this place. Northwest ofMathurä, I will see the splendor of Sémantadvépa, situated on the bank of the Ganges. This is where anxious Pärvaté placed the dust of the lotus feet of Gauräìga on her sémanta (the part of her hair). In the distance I will see Bilvapakña forest, where the four Kumäras reside, meditating on Gauräìga. Further in the distance I will see the place where Nityänanda Prabhu enjoyed pastimes, which learned persons realize as Saìkarñaëa‑kñetra. In the southern portion of Mäyäpur, on the bank of the Ganges near its junction with the Sarasvaté, is the grove called Éçodyäna. May that forest be the place of my eternal devotions.

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