Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya

Çré Navadvépa Bhäva‑taraìga


My Lord, Çré Çacénandana, enjoys midday pastimes with His associates here. Seeing the beauty of this grove, I will remember Rädhä‑kuëòa. May all this be eternally visible to my eyes. Amid the huge trees and dense vines, various types of birds are singing the glories of Gauräìga. There is a large lake and a golden temple covered with diamonds as well as blue and yellow sapphires. The materialists whose eyes are sunk in illusion cannot see these groves. They see only a small piece of land covered with thorns, periodically thrown topsy turvy by the flooding of the Ganges. In the middle of Madhuvana is Viçräma‑sthäna, the place of Çrédhara’s cottage and a clean pond. After rectifying the Kazi, Gauräìga came here with His associates and took rest. When will I shout “Gauräìga!” and roll on the ground crying at a secluded place here at Viçräma‑sthäna? Then, overwhelmed in love, I will see Çré Gaurasundara drinking water from Çrédhara’s old iron pot. And when will I be fortune enough to see the young son of Çacé, along with Nityänanda, Advaita, Gadädhara, and Çréväsa, begging for love of God while chanting and dancing in the house of Çrédhara? To the east, I will see Suvarëavihära, the place of King Suvarna Sena’s incomparable fort. As Gauracandra dances here with His associates, His attractive golden form is most enchanting. As I wander alone or with the devotees throughout Suvarëavihära, when will my voice waver as I weep in love? I will beg there at the lotus feet of Gauräìga for a speck of service to Their Lordships Çré Çré Rädhä and Kåñëa. And then I will offer my very life to the shelter of Çrématé Rädhäräëé’s lotus feet. Southeast of there is Nåsiàha Puré, also known as Devapallé. When will I see the beauty of this place? At this abode of Nåsiàha I will roll about on the ground in ecstatic love, begging for unalloyed love of Kåñëa. In my heart reside duplicity, insincerity, the desire for fame, and the six enemies beginning with lust. 1 Therefore I will pray

1. The six enemies are: kama , krodha , mada , moha , matsarya and bhaya —that is, lust, anger, intoxication, illusion, envy, and fear.

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