Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya


I wish to thank all the devotees who helped to make this presentation possible. His Holiness Bhänu Mahäräja has kindly translated these three works for the benefit of the English speaking devotees. He must have translated the Parikramä-khaëòa over ten years ago. I still recall enjoying reading it that time. After taking part in the Navadvépa Parikramä, I asked Mahäräja if he had any plans for publishing his translation. He said he had none and that I could go ahead and do it. We met again at the Calcutta Ratha-yäträ, and he agreed to take a look at the Pramäëa-khaëòa . Then he surprised me by sending the complete translation hardly a month later. He had also previously translated the Navadvépa Bhäva-taraìga . I want to especially thank Mahäräja for his contribution. I would also like to thank Akiïcana Kåñëadäsa, Bhumipati, Dädu, Deena Bandhu, Gadägraja, Kiranasa, Kurma Rüpa, Rasätala, and Puruñottama for their valuable help. I would like to also thank all the other devotees who helped and encouraged me. Again, I hope this presentation will find favor with the Vaiñëavas so they may be pleased to bless us.

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