Çré Navadvépa Bhäva‑taraìga
carry You on my shoulders, and we will go herd the cows. We will head towards Your mother’s place in Mäyäpur.” One gopa affectionately gives curds mixed with condensed milk, and another gopa becomes unsteady just by seeing the wonderful form of the Lord. Another gopa gives fruits and flowers, saying, “Come to my house every day.” “You are worshiped by the brähmaëas , but You are also the Lord of us gopas . We cannot give You up. You are the object of our knowledge and meditation. Look, even the cows give up their calves and grass and begin mooing on seeing You. “Since it is late now, go home to Your father’s house, and tomorrow we will meet here again. I will keep yogurt, curds, and condensed milk for You, but if You are late, I will become upset.” In this way Gaura and Nitäi would daily play with the cowherd boys in the Godruma forest. Then, if not too late, Gauräìga would bathe in the Ganges before proceeding home. When will I see these pure love‑filled pastimes of Gauräìga in Godruma? Will such a day ever be mine? Aspiring to serve the Lord in the company of the gopas with their sentiments, I will reside in a cottage in Godruma with a fixed mind. South of Godruma lies attractive Madhyadvépa, filled with a string of beautiful forests. Gauräìga and the devotees come there at midday to give the seven åñis their darçana . There also, on the bank of the Gomaté in Naimiñäraëya, the åñis are listening to the Gaura Bhägavat . To hear this narration about Gauräìga, Lord Çivamounted Çré Haàsa‑vähana, Brahmä’s swan, to come here quickly. When will I wander through this forest and see that assembly listening to the Gaura Puräëa ? On the bank of the Gomaté during Ekädaçé in the holy month of Kärtika, I will hear stories about Çré Caitanya. When will the audience of Çaunaka and the åñis give me mercy and put the dust of their feet on my head? I will raise my two hands and say, “O residents of Navadvépa, attentively drink the nectar of gauräìga‑lélä in this forest!”
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