Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya

Ecstatic Waves of Navadvépa


O Koladvépa, be merciful to this worthless person. Allow me to reside in Navadvépa amongst the devotees, and give me the right to the wealth of the pastimes of Gauräìga, who is my Lord in life and death. In the northern part of Koladvépa is the village Campahaööa, which always adorns the land of Navadvépa. This enchanting holy abode is where the poet Jayadeva worshiped Gauräìga. Here in the home of Väëénätha, the Lord and His associates performed a great festival of näma‑saìkértana . Gauräìga showed the glories of His prema in that house. Also in Campahaööa village is a campaka forest from which the gopé Campakalatä gathers flowers to make garlands for Rädhä and Kåñëa. This place is nondifferent from Khadiravana of Vraja, where Kåñëa and Balaräma take rest. Enchanting Åtudvépa is filled with attractive forests. The seasons headed by spring perform eternal service to the Lord here. This Åtudvépa is the abode of transcendental bliss, for it is part of the area of Rädhä‑kuëòa in Vraja. While singing the glories of Kåñëa and remembering Kåñëa’s pastimes as a cowherd, sometimes Gauräìga would loudly call again and again the names of the cows, “Çyämali! Dhubali!” He would then cry as He called out for Subala and Çrédäma. When will I wander in Åtudvépa, seeing the beauty of the forest and remembering the Lord’s pastimes? Then I will become stunned as the pastimes at Rädhä‑kuëòa manifest before my eyes. Here, on the bank of Mänasa‑gaìgä, Kåñëa and Balaräma with Däma, Bala, and Mahäbala, go to solitary forests with countless cows and calves. While playing various games, all the boys sing the glories of Kåñëa. As the cowherd boys engage in various discussions, the calves go off grazing in distant forests. Losing sight of the calves, all the boys become anxious, but the calves immediately come running at the sound of Kåñëa’s flute. As I see this pastime, it suddenly vanishes, and I will fall to the ground unconscious. Then, regaining my senses, I will rise up and wander slowly through the forests.

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