Çré Navadvépa Bhäva‑taraìga
“By the Lord’s desire, as long as you do not give up the body in material existence and your intelligence sticks to material designations, the actual dhäma will not be visible in its complete form. “By the Lord’s mercy, you will receive a spiritual body, and your progress here will be unobstructed. The illusion of material energy will retreat, and you will receive unlimited bliss in this eternal spiritual realm. “But as long as you have this material body, carefully remain fixed in the principles of bhakti . Always serve the devotees, chant the name of Kåñëa, worship Rädhä and Kåñëa, and remain indifferent to sense gratification. “With the mercy of the devotees, the name, and the dhäma , keep undesirable association far away. Soon you will attain residence in the eternal dhäma where pure service to Rädhä and Kåñëa manifests.” Hearing the instructions of Bhéñmadeva, I will offer my full obeisances at his feet. After blessing me he will disappear, and, weeping, I will proceed to Modadruma forest. This forest is nondifferent from Çré Bhäëòéravana of Vraja, where the birds and beasts are all spiritual entities. In the branches of the trees live cuckoos who continuously sing the glories of Gauräìga and Sétä‑Räma. The countless banyan trees spread their branches out to block the sun. When will this place, where Kåñëa and Balaräma displayed Their pastimes, be visible to my eyes? When will I wander about observing the splendor of the forest and suddenly see the cottage of Lord Rämacandra. Then I will see Räma Himself, whose body is the color of durvä grass and who is dressed like a brahmacäré , sitting with Lakñmaëa and Sétä. Seeing Rämacandra’s enchanting form, I will fall unconscious in the forest. I will be overwhelmed with love and unable to speak as I drink the beauty of His form with my two eyes. Lakñmaëa will mercifully come slowly forward to give me some fruit and place His feet upon my head. “My dear son, please eat this fruit. Living in the forest, this is all we have to offer our guests.”
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