Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya

Çré Navadvépa Bhäva‑taraìga


While devoid of external consciousness in a dreamlike state of samädhi , a wondrous figure will appear performing her constitutional service. I will recognize that it is I, Kamala‑maïjaré, the eternal assistant of Anaìga‑maïjaré, the goddess of my heart. Anaìga‑maïjaré will introduce me to all her companions, and will give me the service of preparing camphor for Their Lordships. She will reveal to me the pastimes of the divine couple. Near Çré Pulina is the Räsa‑maëòala, where Gopendra‑ nandana Kåñëa, surrounded by a billion gopés , steals the hearts of all by His dancing with Çré Rädhä, the predominating goddess of the räsa dance. Such graceful dancing does not exist within thematerial world! By great fortune, whoever sees this pastime at once drowns in that nectar. And whoever attains such a transcendental trance will be unable to give up the happiness of that astounding sight! I will be unable to describe the sight I will behold. I will lock it in my heart, and gaze upon it eternally. In my own grove, while cultivating that sight in my heart, I will serve constantly under the direction of the sakhés . Anaìga‑maïjaré, the younger sister of Rädhäräëé, will bestow her mercy on me and personally show me the dhäma . We will go west of the Räsa‑maëòala to Çré Dhéra‑saméra, and then a little further to Vaàçi‑vaöa and the bank of the Yamunä. Rüpa‑maïjaré will question my mistress, Anaìga‑maïjaré, who will reply, “This new maidservant will be engaged under Lalitä‑sakhé’s direction. Her name is Kamala‑maïjaré, and she is fixed in devotion to Çré Gauräìga. Be merciful and give her spontaneous devotion to our Lordships.” Hearing this, Rüpa‑maïjaré will touch my body with her merciful hand, suddenly imparting to me sublime spiritual emotions and the intense desire to worship in her footsteps. My complexion is like lightning, and my ornaments and dress sparkle like the midnight stars. I will appear with a camphor tray in my hand, and I will fall flat at her feet and beg for the unalloyed shelter of Çré Rädhä’s lotus feet. Rüpa‑maïjaré and Anaìga‑maïjaré will take me to the private grove of Lalitä, the charmingmistress of Svänanda‑sukhada‑kuïja,

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