She lifted the veil of illusion from the eyes of the living entities and revealed the true nature of Çré Gauräìga within this material universe. Thus the hidden meaning in the scriptures became easily revealed, and the arguments inhibiting understanding Lord Caitanyawere dispelled. It was the all‑merciful NityänandaPrabhu who revealed the truth about Gauräìga in the hearts of the living entities. On His command, Mäyä pulled away the covering so that the pure devotee scholars could receive this precious treasure of the scriptures. If one remains doubtful in spite of the scriptural evidence, he is most unfortunate and useless. Why should he continue living? When Nityänanda Prabhu distributed the mercy, the fortunate living entities accepted and reached the perfection of happiness. Everyone should know the symptoms of the unfortunate living entity as well; it is he who is overconfident of the power of his own intelligence. Such a person rejects the mercy of the Lord, and by the force of false logic he falls repeatedly into the pit of illusion. “Come, spirit souls of Kali‑yuga! Give up this hypocrisy and just accept the pure ecstatic love of Çré Gauräìga!” In this way Nityänanda Prabhu would call out again and again. But still the unfortunate living entities did not accept. Now let us consider carefully why these people do not accept such wonderful love of God. In pursuit of happiness, living entities in the material world follow various processes, such as logic or mystic yoga. And, in quest of happiness, some give up the material world and go to the forest, while kings constantly wage wars amongst themselves. Desiring happiness, others run after women and wealth, while others take to arts and sciences. In pursuit of happiness, others reject happiness and learn to tolerate the miseries of life, and still others simply drown themselves in the ocean. Raising His lotus hands in the air, Lord Nityänanda exclaims, “Come, living entities! Give up the troubles of karma and jïäna . Since you are endeavoring for happiness, I will give you happiness without asking anything in exchange. In this happiness there is no trouble, loss, or pain. Just chant the name of Gauräìga and dance without anxiety. There’s nothing equal to the happiness that I am giving. That happiness is pure, eternal ecstasy—beyond all illusion!”
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