But a person who has committed hundreds of offenses can easily receive the mercy of Nityänanda Prabhu and overcome those offenses in Navadvépa‑dhäma. For this reason, sages endlessly praise Navadvépa of Gaura‑maëòala. He who lives in Navadvépa‑dhäma is very fortunate, for he achieves attraction for Kåñëa. He who happens to go there becomes freed from all offenses. What one attains by travelling to all the holy places is attained just by remembering Navadvépa. In this way the scriptures sing. He who sees Navadvépa‑dhäma gets ecstatic love of Kåñëa birth after birth. Even one who goes to Navadvépa desiring to gain material comforts through pious activities will not take another birth. The çästras say that one who walks around Navadvépa attains the fruit of millions of açvamedha‑yajñas at every step. And one who lives in Navadvépa and chants mantras obtains the sound of Caitanya as his mantra and easily gets free from mäyä . What yogis obtain after ten years at other térthas is obtained in three nights at Navadvépa. That liberation attained by Brahman realization at other holy places is obtained simply by bathing in the Ganges at Navadvépa. Thus, all types of liberation— sälokya , särüpya , särñöi , sämépya , and nirväëa —can be obtained in Navadvépa without speculative practice. Falling at the feet of the pure devotees in Navadvépa, Bhukti andMukti (personifiedmaterial enjoyment and liberation) remain there as obedient servants. Not caring for their blessings, the devotees kick them away, but still they do not leave the devotee’s feet. The fruits obtained by staying one hundred years at the seven holy cities can be attained by staying one night in Navadvépa‑dhäma. In conclusion, Navadvépa is the topmost tértha . Taking shelter of it, the living entities can cross over Kali‑yuga. At this place, täraka , the name of Räma, which gives liberation, and päraka 1 , the name of Kåñëa, which gives prema , always serve the residents of the dhäma . Aspiring for the shade of the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, Bhaktivinoda thus sings in bliss.
1. Täraka and päraka are mentioned in Cc . 3.3.257.
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