Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya


the sun is covered, but actually the sun can never be covered by a cloud. In the same way, only persons whose vision is covered by the cloud of illusion see the transcendental form of Gauòa‑maëòala as a transformation of the material energy. Whoever gets the mercy of Lord Nityänanda, the master of the sandhiné potency, can see that blissful dhäma as fully spiritual. The holy rivers such as the Ganges and Yamunä as well as the seven holy cities headed by Prayäga are all situated in various places within Navadvépa‑dhäma. One who is fortunate can see that this pure realm, Gauòa‑maëòala, is directly the spiritual world. Following the order of the Lord, Mäyä, the shadow of the Lord’s svarüpa‑çakti , spreads her influence of illusion. She covers the eyes of those living entities who have turned away from the Lord so they are unable to see the glories of the spiritual dhäma . Those people who always reside in Gauòa‑maëòala are the most fortunate in the world. The demigods in the heavenly planets see them as having beautiful four‑handed forms with blackish complexion. Within the sixteen kroças 1 of Navadvépa‑dhäma, the numerous residents, who are golden in complexion, constantly engage in congregational chanting of the Lord’s holy names. Brahmä and other demigods come from outer space and worship them in various ways. Lord Brahmä prays, “When will I become so fortunate to take birth as a blade of grass in Navadvépa‑dhäma? Then I will receive the dust from the feet of the devotees who are engaged in serving the lotus feet of Çré Gauräìga. Alas, Lord Caitanya has cheated me, for He has placed me in charge of the management of the universe. When will the knots of my karma be cut? When will my mind be purified as I give up false pride? And when will the illusion that I am the supreme authority cease as I become a pure servant under the shelter of Gauräìga’s lotus feet?” The devas , åñis , and Rudras always reside in different parts of Navadvépa. Although they are engaged in austerities for a long time, still they do not get Nityänanda’s mercy. As long as bodily consciousness is not given up and humility does not awaken within, one cannot obtain the treasure of Çré Caitanya and Çré Nityänanda’s

1.One kroça is approximately two miles

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