Chapter Two
mercy, no matter what efforts one make, even if he be Çiva or Brahmä. All this will be explained later. O brother, just hear with faith and attention. In these spiritual topics, one should avoid mundane logic and arguments, which are useless and inauspicious. The transcendental pastimes of Çré Caitanya are a deep ocean, whereas the process of mundane logic is simply troublesome, like the sheath covering the banana flower. Whoever wants to cross the ocean of material existence by logic and argument will simply toil in vain. He will receive nothing. But by giving up false arguments and taking the guidance of sädhu and çästra , one will soon receive Çré Caitanya. For on the order of Nityänanda Prabhu, the çruti ( Vedas ), småti ( Puräëas ), and tantra çästras are continuously singing the glories of Navadvépa‑dhäma. By reading these scriptures and accepting the words of the devotees, one will realize the truth of Navadvépa‑dhäma. InKali‑yuga, all holy places are extremelyweak; onlyNavadvépa is supremely strong. By the Lord’s desire, however, this tértha was invisible for a long time and its glories lay unrevealed. When the influence of Kali‑yuga increased, naturally the holy places lost their power. At that time, desiring the good fortune of all living entities, the Supreme Lord thought, “Upon diagnosing a disease, a doctor prescribes an appropriatemedicine. Accordingly, a strongmedicine is given for a severe disease. Now that Kali‑yuga has become terrible and the disease is serious, there will be no relief without a strong medicine. If I do not reveal the dhäma , the name, and My form, which I have been holding secretly for so long, how will the living entities ever recover? The living entities are My servants, and I am their Lord. If I do not help them, they will never be delivered.” Saying this, Lord Caitanya appeared on earth with His name, dhäma , and associates. The Lord promised that He will always deliver the living entities from the troubles of material existence. Gauräìga said, “Without considering who is fit and who is unfit, in this incarnation I will freely distribute the treasure of love which is rarely attained by even Lord Brahmä. I will see how Kali can destroy these living entities! I will manifest Navadvépa‑dhäma
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