and break the poison teeth of Kali by performing congregational chanting of the holy names of God. As long as My name is sung, Kali will be controlled.” Saying this, Gaurahari appeared in the beginning of Kali‑yuga in Navadvépa by His own internal spiritual potency. Withdrawing the covering of illusion, Gauracandra revealed His eternal pastimes in Gauòa‑maëòala. I see no one in Kali‑yuga more unfortunate than that lamentable, wretched personwho does not worship such amerciful Lord as Çré Caitanya, or who rejects such an inconceivable dhäma as Navadvépa. Therefore give up all other desires and attractions, and simply fix your mind on Navadvépa‑dhäma. Aspiring for the shade of the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, Bhaktivinoda reveals these truths.
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