commentary. In Jaipur, he will serve Gauräìga by writing the Govinda‑bhäsya , and thus free all living entities from material bondage. Your two uncles, Rüpa and Sanätana, will tell you all these confidential topics.” Upon hearing Nityänanda Prabhu speak, Jéva Gosvämé began weeping and fell to the ground unconscious. Nityänanda then bestowed His mercy on Jéva by putting His two lotus feet upon his head, thereby giving him spiritual strength. Jéva then began dancing in that assembly of Vaiñëavas while chanting, “Jaya Çré Gauräìga! Jaya Nityänanda Räya!” Witnessing this display of Nityänanda’s mercy, Çréväsa Öhäkura and the other devotees present all began dancing and chanting, “Çré Gauräìga! Nityänanda!” The place resounded with great spiritual vibration. After some time Jéva controlled his dancing, and Nityänanda had him sit down nearby. Jéva s tayed at Çréväsa’s place, but in the evening he again came to see Nityänanda Prabhu. As Nityänanda was sitting alone, singing the glories of Lord Gauräìga, Jéva came forward and fell at His lotus feet. Nityänanda was very particular to make Jéva sit very close to Him. Jéva, however, became very aware of his own miserable condition. He folded his hands and said, “Lord, be merciful to me and describe the essential truths about Navadvépa‑dhäma.” Lord Nityänanda said, “O Jéva, I will tell you, but you should keep these deep topics within your heart. Do not broadcast them here and there just yet. They will be propagated after our Lord completes His manifest pastimes. “This Navadvépa is the best of dhämas . Crossing over the Virajä River and the Brahman effulgence, beyond the Vaikuëöha planets one comes to Çvetadvépa, Çré Goloka. Penetrating further, one comes to Gokula Våndävana, or Kåñëaloka. “That Kåñëaloka exists in two states of emotion. Rasa expands there in the form of mädhurya and audärya , sweetness and munificence. Audärya exists within mädhurya in fullness, and mädhurya exists within audärya in fullness. But, that place where mädhurya is the chief state is known by fortunate persons as Våndävana. And that place where audärya is eternally predominant is called Navadvépa in all the Vedas . There is no
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