Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya

Chapter Five


“When Brahmä opened his eyes, he saw Gauräìga and fell to the earth unconscious. The Lord put His foot on Brahmä’s head, and Brahmä was enlightened with transcendental knowledge and began to pray. ’ I am a low and worthless wretch, controlled by pride. Forgetting Your lotus feet, I have turned to material sense gratification. I myself, Lord Çiva, and the demigods headed by Indra are Your subjugated servants. This is written in scripture. But we are not so fortunate as Your pure servants, and thus mäyä covers us with the net of illusion. The first one hundred trillion years of my life have passed and I have been forced to realize this at last. How will I spend the second one hundred trillion years of my life? If I remain in illusion, I will simply suffer. My only prayer is that I may become Your associate when You manifest Your pastimes. Having given up the illusion that I am the creator, I want to take birth in Your association and sing Your glories.’ “Hearing Brahmä’s prayers, Lord Gauräìga benedicted him saying, ‘ So be it. When My pastimes become visible on earth, you will take birth in a yavana’s house. Your name will be Haridäsa Öhäkura, and you will be famous for your humility and completely free from all pride. You will chant three hundred thousand names a day, and when you pass from this world you will be seeing Me. And at the end of the second one hundred trillion years of your life, you will attain Navadvépa‑dhäma and be absorbed in eternal rasa . “‘Brahmä, hear these secret ( antara ) words, but do not reveal this openly in the scriptures. Taking the role of a devotee, I will taste the nectar of bhakti‑rasa and propagate the most rare process of saìkértana . I will make the devotees of all the previous avatäras drunk with the nectar of Våndävana. The love that Çré Rädhikä possesses is beyond My experience, so I will appear with Her sentiments and complexion. Taking the position of Rädhä, I will taste that happiness that only Rädhä obtains in serving Me. From today, act as My disciple and, in the form of Haridäsa, always serve Me.’ “Saying this, Gauräìga became invisible, and Brahmä fell to the ground unconscious.

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