Chapter Six Çré Gaìgänagara, Påthu‑kuëòa, Sémantadvépa Çaraòäìgä, Viçräma‑sthäna All glories to Çré Caitanya, the son of mother Çacé! All glories to Nityänanda, the life of Jähnavä! All glories to Advaita, the husband of Sétä. All glories to Gadädhara! And all glories to Gauräìga’s associates headed by Çréväsa! Early the next morning, Nityänanda went out with Çréväsa and Çré Jéva. Räma Däsa and other devotees joined as they continued on, performing saìkértana all the while. When they came to the very edge of Antardvépa, Nityänanda pointed out Gaìgänagara to Jéva. “Listen, Jéva, this Gaìgänagara was founded by Bhagératha of the Raghu family. When the Ganges came down, King Bhagératha led the way, blowing a conch shell. But when the Ganges arrived at Navadvépa‑dhäma, she stopped and would not proceed. Bhagératha saw this and became fearful. Retracing his steps, he came towards the Ganges. At this place, Gaìgänagara, he began to perform austerities. Satisfied with this, Gaìgädevé personally appeared before him. “Bhagératha said, ‘ Mother Ganges, if you do not proceed on, my forefathers will never be delivered.’ “Gaìgädevé said, ‘ Listen dear child, Bhagératha. Just stay here patiently for a few days. Now we are in Navadvépa, and Magha month is coming. At the end of Phälguna month I will go to deliver your forefathers. O Bhagératha, my waters emanate from the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, so now here in His own dhäma I would like to have my desires fulfilled. On the Phälguna Pürëimä, the birthday of the Lord, my vow will be completed. Then certainly I will go with you. Do not fear.’ Thus Bhagératha, the leader of the Raghu family, stayed here in Gaìgänagara until the Phälguna Pürëimä. “On the Phälguna Pürëimä, one who fasts, takes bath in the Ganges here, and worships Gauräìga will cross over the material
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