Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya

Chapter Seven


to bhäva , and bhäva becomes prema . This is the progression of pure bhakti . “‘Hearing, chanting, remembering, serving, worshiping, bowing down, servitude, friendship, and self surrender—these are the ninefold processes. One who performs these in the association of devotees attains kåñëa‑prema . “‘You are very fortunate, for your kingdom is in Navadvépa. Your residence here is the beginning of your good fortune. Now develop your faith by associating with devotees and singing the name of Kåñëa, let the sun of prema rise in your heart. “‘Fortunate will be the coming of Kali‑yuga, for Kåñëa will bring His associates here and manifest His pastimes as Gauräìga. One who chants Gaura’s name will get the mercy of Kåñëa, and he will be able to live in Våndävana. One who worships Kåñëa without chanting the name of Gaura will get Kåñëa only after a long time. But he who takes Gaura’s name quickly gets Kåñëa, for offenses do not remain within him.’ “While saying this, Närada lost control of himself and began to dance and chant the name of Gaura. ‘ Gaurahari bol!’ the vina joined in. ‘ O Gaurahari! When will blessed Kali‑yuga come?’ Saying this, Närada went off, leaving the king filled with prema . Crying the name of Gauräìga, dancing, and begging love of God from the devotees, he became free from material hankerings. Later, while sleeping, the king saw Gauräìga and Gadädhara with their associates dancing in the courtyard. Surrounding the golden form of Gaura, they were all chanting ‘ Hare Kåñëa!’ while dancing and embracing one another. “Awakening, the king was in anguish and began weeping in separation from Gauräìga. Then a voice spoke. ‘ O king, when I appear, you will be amongst My associates. Your name will be Buddhimanta Khän. You will receive the transcendental dhäma and serve the lotus feet of Gauräìga.’ Hearing this, the king became composed and began to worship Gauräìga.” When Nityänanda finished His story, Çréväsa, who is an empowered incarnation of Närada Muni, fell unconscious. Overcome by great ecstasy and intoxicated with the nectar of Gaura’s name, Çré Jéva also fell flat on the earth.

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