Chapter Eight Çré Harihara‑kñetra, Mahä‑Väräëasé, and Godruma All glories to Lord Caitanya, Çré Çacésuta! All glories to Lord Nityänanda, Çré Avadhüta! All glories to Sétäpati, Advaita Prabhu, king of the devotees! All glories to Gadädhara and the society of devotees! All glories to beautiful Navadvépa‑dhäma! And all glories to the name of Gaura! Lord Nityänanda continued on with the devotees while chanting, “Hari, Hari!” Because of ecstatic love, Nityänanda Prabhu tottered as He walked and mumbled as he talked. Tears streamed down His face, and in agitation He cried out, “Gaura, Gaura!” All His ornaments glittered and His divine form illuminated the ten directions. Çréväsa, along with Jéva, repeatedly wept and danced. And the other devotees all danced along. As they approached Alakanandä, Lord Nityänanda, immersed in bliss, said, “Starting to the west of Bilvapakña village (Belpukura), the Mandäkiné River comes and surrounds Nadia. At Suvarëavihära, the Alakanandä River leaves the Mandäkiné. On the eastern bank of the Alakanandä River, near the Gaëòaké River, is Harihara‑kñetra. A beautiful Deity will be discovered there in the future, amidst a lovely forest. “To the west of the Alakanandä River see Käçé, where the followers of Çiva and his consort endeavor for liberation. This Navadvépa Käçé, however, is superior to the other Käçé. Here, Çiva is always dancing and chanting the name of Gaura, begging his followers to accept gaura‑bhakti . The sannyäsés who live for a thousand years in Käçé may attain liberation through the cultivation of jïäna , but here the devotees kick away that liberation as they dance and chant the name of Gauräìga. While leaving the body here, living entities are delivered by Lord Çiva, who chants the name of Gauräìga in their ears. This dhäma is thus called Mahä‑Väräëasé, for here there is no fear of death.” At that moment Nityänanda Prabhu began dancing, and He asked Jéva to accept gaura‑prema . Invisible to everyone, Çiva came forward and bowed at Nityänanda’s lotus feet. Lord Çiva and his
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