always reside here. The results one attains by bathing one hundred times there are achieved by one bath here. Therefore, whoever gives up Navadvépa with the desire to go to other holy places is a fool and a rascal. If one attains the fruit of travelling to all the holy places, then he may reside in Navadvépa. See that raised area that resembles a market. Kurukñetra and Brahmävarta 1 are present there. Sarasvaté and Dåñadvaté flow on its two sides. It is splendid and gives much puëya . “‘O brähmaëa , I will tell you a very secret thing. In a short time, ecstasy will be given out here. Gauräìga will appear at Mäyäpur in Çacédevé’s house, and He will freely distribute prema . In all these places the Lord and His devotees will dance madly in the ecstasy of saìkértana . The Lord will perform kértana along with the devotees of all His previous incarnations. The whole universe will drown in the flood of prema. Other than the false logicians, everyone will receive that gift of love. “O Divadäsa, whoever lives in the dhäma with firm faith will attain the feet of Gaura. Although the evil‑minded may worship Kåñëa for millions of years, they will not get attraction for the holy name. But if one worships Gauräìga, all one’s wicked sentiments will be uprooted and very soon one will attain Rädhä and Kåñëa in Våndävana. That person will attain his spiritual body and serve the divine couple in a secluded grove under the shelter of the sakhés . O brähmaëa , stay here and worship, then you will see Lord Gauräìga with His associates.’ “Saying this, Puñkara Räja departed. Then a voice from the sky said, ‘ The glorious age of Kali is coming. At that time you will again take birth and swim in the ocean of Gauräìga’s kértana .’ Hearing this, the brähmaëa was freed from anxiety and stayed on the shore of the pond worshiping the Lord.” While Çré Jévawas listening to this story, they enteredUccahaööa in Kurukñetra. Çré Nityänanda spoke again: “All the devas along with the térthas came here to Kurukñetra. Whatever térthas are in the region of Brahmävarta and Kurukñetra are all present here. Påthüdaka 2 and other holy places reside here and serve Navadvépa.
1.Generally Brahmävarta refers to the area of northern Uttar Pradesh between the Ganges and the Yamunä.
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