“Seeing the vipra’s devotion, Varäha sweetly said, ‘ O Väsudeva, as you are My devotee, I am satisfied by your worship. When Kali‑yuga comes I will display My pastimes here. Hear My words. In the three worlds, there is no comparison to Navadvépa. Though it is hidden now, it is My very dear abode. The scriptures confirm that all holy places such as Brahmävarta reside here. “‘The place where Brahmä performed a sacrifice and I appeared to kill Hiraëyäkña with My tusks, that holy place is present here, where I have appeared now. By serving Navadvépa, all térthas are served; and by living in Navadvépa, the fruit of living at all other térthas is attained. You are fortunate to serve Me in Navadvépa. When Gauräìga advents, you will be born here again. You will see the mahä‑saìkértana and the astounding form of Gauräìga.’ “After speaking these words, Varäha disappeared, and the vipra researched the meaning of the Lord’s words. Being a great paëòita , Väsudeva scrutinized the scriptures and thus clearly understood that during the reign of Vaivasvata Manu, at the beginning of Kali‑yuga, Lord Gauräìga would manifest His pastimes at Nadia. The sages kept this secret, but they indicated by hints so that intelligent men could understand. After the Lord manifested His pastimes on earth, the scriptural evidences would also become clear. Thus the brähmaëa received the hint about the secret truths of Gaura. “In great bliss, the brähmaëa performed saìkértana . He constantly sang the name of Gaura within his mind. After seeing the mountainous form of Varäha, Väsudeva carefully decided to call this place Koladvépa Parvata [ kola —boar; parvata — mountain], but it is now known as Parvata. The devotees know that this is Giri Govardhana of Våndävana. “See to the north is Bahulavana, whose wonderful effulgence spreads out in all directions. O son of Vallabha, in Våndävana, the twelve forests come in a particular sequence, but here they are not in the same order. By the Lord’s desire, the sequence here is reversed. One should see the forests in the order that they are arranged here, for the change in the sequence enhances one’s prema .”
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