Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya



“In great love the poet worshiped Kåñëa, who then appeared before Jayadeva with a complexion the color of the campaka flower, resplendent with the radiance of molten gold. The shining beauty of a million moons would have been put to shame by His beautiful face. He had curly hair and a garland of flowers around His neck. His arms were long, and His effulgence illumined the room. Seeing that form of Gauräìga, Jayadeva fainted with tears streaming from his eyes, while Padmävaté also fell to the earth unconscious. “The Lord lifted the couple up with His two lotus hands and spoke nectarean words, ‘ Both of you are My exalted devotees, therefore I desired to give you My darçana . Very soon I will take birth in Nadia in the womb of Çacé. With all the devotees of all the avatäras , I will distribute the gift of prema and kåñëa‑kértana . After twenty‑four years, I will take sannyäsa and live in Néläcala. There, in the association of the devotees and overcome with prema , I will continuously taste the poems of your Gétä‑govinda , for it is very dear to Me. You will return to this Navadvépa‑dhäma after death. This I say for certain. Now, both of you go to Néläcala, where you will attain love of God by worshiping Lord Jagannätha.’ “After speaking, Gauräìga disappeared and they both fainted in separation. When they recovered, they began to weep profusely. While weeping, they humbly stated, ‘ What a form we have seen! How can we live in His absence? Why did the Lord order us to leave Nadia? We must have committed some offense here. This Navadvépa‑dhäma is fully spiritual; just to think about leaving, we are becoming disturbed. It would have been better to be a bird or beast in Navadvépa, for then we could stay a long time and always meditate on the dhäma . We can give up living, but we cannot give up Navadvépa, for the attachment is too deep. O Lord Gauräìga, give us Your mercy. Give us shelter at Your lotus feet so we may stay here.’ “As they were crying, they heard a voice say, ‘ Do not be sorrowful, but go to Néläcala. There are two things to keep your heart undisturbed. Some time before, you were both thinking of going to stay in Néläcala for a while. The Lord had to fulfill that wish. Lord Jagannätha is eager for your darçana . By pleasing

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