Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya

Chapter Eleven


Him, on leaving your body, you will again come to Navadvépa and remain here eternally.’ Hearing that, the two immediately left. “While going, they turned back and glanced once more at Navadvépa. As they went, tears flowed from their eyes and in distress they spoke to the residents of Navadvépa, ‘ Please bestow your mercy on us. We are offenders. Please purify us!’ “As they proceeded further on, they repeatedly looked back at Navadvépa, which shines like an eight‑petaled lotus. After going some distance, Navadvépa was no longer visible, and they crossed out of Gaura‑bhumi, weeping as they went. Arriving at Néläcala some days later, they were pleased to have darçana of Lord Jagannätha. O Jéva, this is the place of Jayadeva. Only a raised portion of earth remains. This is the story the old people tell.” Seeing Jayadeva’s place, Jéva began weeping as he rolled on the ground in ecstatic love. “Fortunate are Jayadeva and Padmävaté! And glorious is Géta‑govinda and their attachment to Kåñëa! Be merciful to me and give me one drop of the ocean of prema that Jayadeva enjoyed!” Saying this, Jéva fell to the ground and rolled in the dust at Nityänanda’s feet. That night they stayed in Väëénätha’s house, where Väëénätha and his family attended to Nityänanda Prabhu. Aspiring for the shade of the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, this vile worthless one sings this glorification of Nadia.

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