passed, Nityänanda still did not rise. Finally, when the devotees began chanting the glories of Gauräìga, Nitäi awoke. “This is the place of Rädhä‑kuëòa!” He exclaimed. “Here in the afternoon, Gaurahari would perform kértana with His associates. Look at the brilliance of Çyäma‑kuëòa, which attracts the minds of everyone in the universe! And look, here and there are the sakhés’ groves. In the afternoon, Gauräìga would become immersed in singing Kåñëa’s glories and satisfy all by distributing prema . Know that in the three worlds there is no equal to this place, where the devotees worship the Lord. Whoever lives here will get love of God, which will soothe the burning fire of material life.” That day the devotees stayed there and drowned in love of God as they called out Gauräìga’s name. Staying there in Åtudvépa, they passed the whole day and night worshiping the moonlike Lord Caitanya. The next day Nityänanda Prabhu, dancing all the while, came to Vidyänagara, a splendid place attractive to munis . This gladdened the devotees. Holding the devotees’ feet and begging from them the treasure of kåñëa‑bhakti , this worthless and unqualified Bhaktivinoda, whose only wealth is the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, sings the glories of Nadia.
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