Chapter Thirteen Description of Vidyänagara and Jahnudvépa
All glories toGauräìga,Nityänanda,Advaita, andGadädhara! All glories to Çréväsa! And all glories to Navadvépa, an ocean of kértana ! Coming to Vidyänagara, Çré Nityänanda Räya explained to Çré Jéva its significance, “At the time of pralaya , Navadvépa, the eternal dhäma , remains situated in its pure form as an eight‑petaled lotus. All the avatäras and fortunate living entities stay in one part of the lotus at that time. Matsya avatära carried the Vedas to Vidyänagara within Åtudvépa. Since the Vedas , which contain all vidyä , or knowledge, were brought here, this place is therefore named Vidyänagara. “When Brahmä became inclined to start creation again, he glanced fearfully upon the devastated earth. At that time, the Lord bestowed His mercy on Brahmä here. As Brahmä began offering his prayers to the Lord, he opened his mouth and the beautiful Sarasvaté was born from his tongue. By her potency, Brahmä then offered prayers to Kåñëa and thus obtained great happiness. At the time of creation, Mäyä directs the three guëas to spread throughout the material creation on the side of the Virajä River. The åñis then labor to reveal knowledge within this universe manifested by Mäyä. Taking shelter of this abode of Sarasvaté, Säradä‑péöha, the åñis conquer over ignorance. After having received lessons on the sixty‑four branches of knowledge, the åñis set themselves up at various places throughout the world. But all the åñis study their respective branches of knowledge eternally at this holy spot. Välméki came here and, by the mercy of Närada, received the Rämäyaëa . Dhanvantari received the Äyur‑veda , and Viçvämitra and others received the teachings of the Dhanur‑veda . Çaunaka and the åñis recited the mantras of the Vedas , and Çiva discussed tantra . On the åñis’ request, Brahmä produced the four Vedas from his four mouths. Living here, Kapila created Säìkhya philosophy, and Gautama brought forth logic and argument. Kaëabhuk
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