Chapter Sixteen Bilvapakña and Bharadväja‑öilä
All glories to Çré Gauracandra, the wanderer of Nadia’s groves! All glories to Çré Nityänanda, the master of Ekacakra! All glories to Advaita Éçvara, the master of Çäntipura! All glories to Gadädhara of Rämacandrapura! And all glories to Gaura‑bhumi, the essence of cintämaëi , where Kåñëa wandered in Kali‑yuga. The son of Padmävaté, Çré Nityänanda Prabhu, after crossing the Ganges and going some distance, said to the devotees, “See this attractive place named Bilvapakña. Generally people call it Bela Pukhariyä (or Belpukura). The place known in the scriptures as Bilvavana in Vraja is situated here in Navadvépa. “One time some brähmaëa devotees of Çiva worshiped him by offering the leaves of his favorite tree, the bilva, or bael, tree for a fortnight’s duration. Çiva was pleased with the brähmaëas and gave them kåñëa‑bhakti . Amongst those worshipers was Nimbäditya, who had been very attentive in the worship. Çiva spoke to him, ‘ At the edge of this village is a sacred bilva forest. Within that forest, the four Kumäras are sitting in meditation. By their mercy, you will receive transcendental knowledge. They are your gurus. By serving them, you will receive all that is of value.’ Saying this, Lord Çiva disappeared. “Nimbäditya searched and found that place. On an attractive platform in the forest near Çiva, he saw the four brothers—Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanätana, and Sanat‑kumära—sitting unseen by others. They were young, naked, and noble in character. Nimbärka cried out in excitement, ‘ Hare Kåñëa! Hare Kåñëa!’ “On hearing the holy name, the Kumäras’ meditation broke. They opened their eyes and saw before them an ideal Vaiñëava. Satisfied by this sight, one after another they embraced Nimbäditya. ‘ Who are you?’ they asked. ‘ Why have you come here? We will certainly fulfill your prayers.’ “Nimbärka offered his obeisances and humbly introduced himself. Sanat‑kumära smiled and said, ‘ Knowing that Kali‑yuga would be very troublesome, the all‑merciful Supreme Lord decided to propagate devotional service. He empowered four men
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