King's Business - 1964-06

Translated by Geoffrey IV. Bromiley


Editors: Gerhard Kittel and Gerhard Friedrich

Volume 1 $18.50

Journal of Biblical Literature — "One of the few Biblical studies of this generation that is destined for immortality." New York Times — "There is nothing else quite like 'Kittel' in authority." Rev. George H. Tavard — " It is an indispensable reference work for Bible scholars of all denominations and traditions." Bruce Metzger — "Generations of students will gain deeper in­ sights into Biblical theology." James Daane — "A mountain of scholarship . . . there is no substitute for it." Robert McAfee Brown — "A major event in the English-speak­ ing theological world. The standard and indispensable ref­ erence work." Frederick W. Danker — "Many articles contain far more on a given passage than some first-rate commentaries." Oscar Cullmann — "An indispensable tool for the expert as well as for the minister." Hans Kung — "No serious Catholic theologian can pass over this fundamental work of Biblical theology." James Martin — "Makes available the theological riches of the NT in a way which will challenge and excite."

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T h e K i n g w B u s in e s s A PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman JUNE, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 55, No. 6 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-four Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

HOW CAN THE JEW know CHRIST This 75-year old mission was found­ ed to bring a Christian witness to the Jew. Every day in many cities in the U. S. and Israel a staff o f dedicated workers make their way along the streets in business and residential areas to engage Jews in conversation concerning Messiah - Jesus. Children are gathered fo r club meetings and are won to the Saviour. Radio messages reach m illions of Jews every week, in North Am erica and Israel. The results — the Lord says, "Sow the seed . . . and I w ill give the in­ crease." W ill you share in this seed sowing m inistry? A copy of the A.M .F. Monthly w ill be mailed to you free if you write today to: Archie A. MacKinney, Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, III. B R A I L L E BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, TRACTS Evangelistic— Devotional FREE to the Blind (as the Lord provides) "T h a t those who see not may see" Write: Christian Fellowship for the Blind International, Inc. Mail Address: 1864 W. 92 St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90047 THE CONVERSION CENTER Inc. A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 138,000 nuns dedicated to "MAKE AMER­ ICA CATHOLIC." W ill you help keep America free to evangelize the world? Pray, give, write for soul-winning material. 18 W. Eagle Rd., Havertown, Pennsylvania Rev. Alex O. Dunlap, Director LOOKING FOR A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL? (Elementary and Secondary) Teachers — our placement office serves 20 0 schools Parents — our directory lists «Schools h i 40 States NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS Department K6 P.O. Box 28 Wheaton, Illinois

/ M e t DAILY SPIRITUAL REFRESHMENT — Theodore H. Epp ............. 8 THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CROSS — Ralph Byron ............. 11 CONGO MISSIONARY AIRLIFT ........................................... ................ 12 A LESSON IN SOCIALISM ..................................................................... 14 MODESTLY YOURS — Dick Hillis ...................................................... 15 FATHER AND HIS FAMILY — Grant and Ruth Stoltzfus ............. 16 WE HAVE A THIEF — Blaine Bishop ............... .................................. 19 THE NATIONAL RESURRECTION OF ISRAEL — Louis T. Talbot .... 21 A REWARD FOR MARY — Carol Terry Talbot ......- ....................... 40 CAMP GOES TO JOHNNY — Valerie Seger ......................................... 44 Featum MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ............... 6 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .................................................. 20 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ......................... 30 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore .................................— - 32 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................... 33 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert .......................................- ........... 35 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ......................................... 36 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 37 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller .................... 39 Cotautt PEOPLE IN THE NEWS .......................................................................... 4 READER REACTION ................................................................................. 5 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ................................................................ 31 — A ll Rights Reserved — PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor


ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."


JUNE, 1964


Dr. Theodore H. Epp, founder and director of the Good News Broad­ casting Association, celebrates a

Rev. Norman Cummings of Overseas Crusades in Palo Alto, California, has been elected president of The Evangelical Foreign Missions Asso­ ciation. Other incoming officers are Rev. Lester Westlund, foreign secretary of the Evangelical Free Church, vice- president; Rev. Ralph Isbill, foreign secretary of the Open Bible Church, secretary; and Bishop Henry Hostetter, Jr., missions secretary of the Breth­ ren in Christ Church, treasurer. Rev. H. Raymond Florence, overseas director for the Child Evangelism Fellowship, International, r e p o r t s that 44 new missionaries were ap­ pointed to foreign service during re­ cent years and that most of these have reached their fields. There are now 160 missionaries serving in 55 countries under ICEF. Hal Cocanower, Director of Litera­ ture for the Latin America Mission, is pictured below with a display of the new closely graded Spanish Sun­ day school lessons. On his left are Gospel Light Publications in Eng­ lish and on his right are publications in Spanish. The new Spanish cur-

¡ w - e g ß t r re

quarter of a cen­ tury of continuous b r o a d ca s tin g by “ Back to the Bi­ ble” th is month. Founded in 1939, in Lincoln, Nebras­ ka, the Association is inter-denomina­ tional, non-sectari­ an in character. Its


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Dr. Epp central mission is devoted to a four-pronged effort of Evangelism, M is s io n s , Literature, and Bible Correspondence Courses. J. Raymond Knighton, executive di­ rector o f Christian Medical Society, has announced the First Latin Amer­ ica Congress on Christian Medicine to be held next month in Quito, Ecuador. In attendance will be medi­ cal and dental missionaries, physi­ cians and dentists in private prac­ tice, dispensary nurses, hospital ad­ ministrators, medical and dental stu­ dents, mission society administrative personnel and physicians and den­ tists from outside Latin America. Topics to be considered will be “ The Place o f Medicine in Presenting the Gospel in Latin America” ; “ Dispen­ saries vs. Hospitals — Where Should the Emphasis Be?” , among many others. Dan Piatt, director of th e Billy Graham Pavilion at the New York World’s Fair, is pictured below with George M. Wilson (right), executive vice president of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Together they examine a model of the pavilion at the Association’s headquarters. The globe at the right stands in the

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riculum'has been produced over the past year in a joint effort by Latin America Mission and GLINT (Gos­ pel Light International). The les­ sons go into use among Spanish speaking churches in the United States in October and in Latin Amer­ ican churches in January. Waller Herron, pioneer of mission­ ary aviation in Bolivia, died at the controls of his Cessna 180 high in the Andes mountains on March 7. Mr. Herron had labored in the tropi­ cal northern provinces of the Beni in Bolivia with the Bolivian Indian Mission for over 30 years. He was one of the best-known missionaries in Bolivia. In recognition of his sac­ rificial labors of love and service, the Bolivian Government decorated him in 1961 with the highest honor it can bestow upon a foreigner, “The Con­ dor of the Andes.”

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lobby of the pavilion. Revolving slow­ ly, it shows 175 cities around the world in which the evangelist has held Crusades in the past 15 years and the more than 900 cities from which the “ Hour of Decision” broadcast is heard weekly.




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CORRECTION An address given in the April KING’S BUSINESS for the Inter­ denominational Foreign Mission Associ­ ation was incorrect. The current ad­ dress is: 54 Bergen Avenue Ridgefield Park, New Jersey. GOSPEL BROADCASTING We at Radio Station WWJC were very pleased to read your article, “Gos­ pel Broadcasting,” (February 1964) and we concur 100% in it. We will be observing our first year of operation as a Christian radio station and are acutely aware of some of the many obstacles facing us in our radio min­ istry. Vern Forsberg, Manager, WWJC, Duluth, Minn. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS I am disturbed about a presumptu­ ous item in the April issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. It lowered the dignity, sincerity, and honesty of evan­ gelical Christianity to give a summary report of the NAE convention in Chi­ cago BEFORE the convention con­ vened. I enjoy and appreciate THE KING’S BUSINESS greatly. I pray God’s blessing upon the publication, and the staff. Rev. Dsn U. Dalke, Ebenezer Mennonite Church, Bluffton, Ohio E d ito r ’ s N o t e : The news material which was utilized was prepared from advance information released by the NAE. Comments in the K.B. should have indicated that the convention was taking place concurrent with the issue of the magazine and that certain things were expected to have occurred. ENJOYS EDITORIALS I just want to tell you that I enjoy your wonderful magazine THE KING’S BUSINESS very much, especially the very interesting editorials by Dr. Sam­ uel Sutherland. As soon as the maga­ zine comes, the first thing I look for is the editorial. The one he wrote on the evils of cigarette smoking was especial­ ly fine. It came out before this last report from the Government on the evils of it. Very few preachers will put the evil of smoking along with drink­ ing, narcotics, etc. They are all so afraid of insulting so many people in their congregations and thus won’t pay money into the church. I have also enjoyed in a special way any articles written by Dr. Vance Havner. He has such a unique way of expressing his messages and we surely enjoy them. Mrs. Vina Knauss, Massillon, Ohio




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JUNE, 1964


a message from the editor

BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND PRESIDENT, THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. A r r ' i c a ■ h e . A COUNTRY GOING MERRILY ON ITS W AY T JL h e r e c a m e t o the desk o f the editor recently a letter ad­ dressed to a Christian tract-distribution organization. It was sent over the signature o f the Vice-President o f the Free-Thought Society o f America, Inc., with headquarters in Baltimore, Mary­ land. It is this Free-Thought Society which publishes The Ameri­ can Atheist Magazine. The letter, dated February 14, 1964, follows: "Gentlemen: One o f our members sent us a tract that your oragnization is passing out titled, 'A National Emergency’ ! Buddy, you ain’t seen nothing yet! This is more than an emer­ gency for you superstitious neanderthals. You are absolutely cor­ rect, we fully intend to destroy superstition (the Bible) in the United States o f America once and for all. We threw super­ stition (the Bible) out o f the schools, next we will throw the chaplains off the battleships, and we will teach American chil­ dren that Tyrannosaurus was not on Noah’s ark! The exploita­ tions o f sex by the church is another era that has passed! Defiant­ ly.” (signed by the Vice-President). The following poem is an imprint on the official letterhead o f this organization titled, "In God We Trust”— On coins and stamps, "In God We Trust”— To fool little children it is a must. But if we had no men to fight, N o Army, Navy, Airplane might, We’d trust old Jehovah and Mary hail As far as we could throw a bull by the tail. Here is but another in a long list o f examples o f the dedicated determination o f this element in American society to eliminate God in every facet o f American life. When the issue came up a few months ago concerning the elimination o f the Bible and all references to Christianity from public schools, there were an appreciable number o f earnest Bible-believing Christian leaders who warned that this was only the beginning o f a determined effort to stamp out all reference to God in every area o f Ameri­ can life. But, also, those voices were shouted down by the great

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volume o f verbiage that went up from the vast majority o f Protestant pulpits to the effect that the Supreme Court was quite right in its decision, in effect, to ban the Bible and all references to Christianity from the public schools o f our land. Even many ministers who profess to believe the Bible to be the Holy Word o f God from cover to cover and who preach an acceptable Gos­ pel message, aligned themselves with the out-and-out modernists, the Unitarians and this “ free-thinker” element which infests our country and very piously concluded that it was unconstitutional for the Bible to be read or referred to in the public schools. I f that was all these atheists were after, namely the elimination o f Bible reading from the public schools, it would be bad enough. But that is just the beginning. And the tragic part o f it is that these so-called Bible-believing ministers and religious leaders who have sided with the atheistic position in this regard, by every law o f logic, must continue to go along with them in the elimina­ tion o f all references to God in all other facets o f American public life. When our Lord was here upon the earth in the flesh at least He was betrayed by His enemies. The modern betrayal o f Jesus Christ is made by His self-styled friends. We would naturally expect His enemies to treat Him thus. But it is most difficult to get over the shock o f seeing Him betrayed today in His own house. One would think that surely these otherwise acceptable Christian brethren would recognize the error o f their ways and make every effort to undo the damage that they themselves have helped to create. It is most regrettable indeed, however, that we have not seen any trend in this direction. It is sad, but true, that there still seems to be the attitude on the part o f many people that “ it cannot happen here.” But, alas, it is happening here — and right now. These free-thinkers at the moment are a relatively small minority o f the American public. But they are organized, out­ spoken and dedicated to the job that they have set for themselves to accomplish. The Bolsheviks at the time o f the Russian revolu­ tion were a small minority group. But they, too, were organized, dedicated and outspoken in their convictions and program, and today we witness a great country that has fallen into the clutches o f this godless minority group. The evidence is so overwhelming that it seems everyone should realize that our own beloved land is succumbing to this same type o f rule by a ruthless minority group, and we philosophize and quibble and argue over proper protective measures to avoid this downfall and, as a result, nothing is done to halt it. We need to remember that our founding fathers came to this country to establish a nation with freedom to worship God according to the dictates o f one’s individual conscience. And it was an accepted principle, furthermore, that the majority should rule on all matters o f civic, moral and political import! It was (continued on page 34)

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JUNE, 1964

A S IT is necessary for man to eat in order to sustain life and have strength and vigor, so is it essential for him to meditate upon the Word of God, that he might have spiritual strength and be prosperous. “But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bring- eth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper” (Ps. 1:2,3). As man’s body becomes weakened and even sickly through excessive dieting and lack of proper foods, so the spiritual man becomes spiritually sick and emaciated through lack of proper spiritual food. I wish to distinguish between a profitable personal devotional period and general Bible reading, both of which are essential. A man may eat large quantities of certain types of food and keep his body alive, yet dis­ ease and sickness may easily overtake him because of lack of proper vitamins. Spiritually speaking, the same thing may be true. A man may spend considerable time in reading his Bible, and this is important. But even more important than regular Bible reading is man’s need for certain spiritual vitamins which he may obtain only by having a personal devotional time in which he not only reads the Scriptures but also medi­ tates upon them. One of the greatest habits one can form is to have a definite schedule of Bible reading and go through the Bible at least once a year—more often, if possible. Submission The first essential in conducting a profitable personal devotional period is this: Lend your mind and heart to God for instruction. This is definitely an attitude of the mind and heart. There must be a determination of the will to lend itself to God, that He may speak to us through His Word. Romans 12:2 says, “ And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove [know] what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” To lend our hearts, and minds to Him for instruc­ tion involves the shutting out of other matters that disturb us, such as the work that we are going to do and the trials and cares that confront us. These must all be shut out. We must simply meet God face to face, as though there were no other persons or things around us. It is much easier to accomplish this at the time of rising, before the mind becomes filled with thoughts concerning the problems or cares of the day. Israel was taught this lesson when they were told to gather the manna (which speaks of heavenly food) the first thing in the morning, before the heat of the sun could cause it to melt. Once this lesson is learned, it will become one of the greatest boons to a most profitable devotional period. This is not done once and for all, but it is a constantly repeated attitude, until we are wrapped in His Word. It is the exercise of the personal will and the constant prayer of the heart. We must ask the Spirit to shut out the things of the world and to occupy our minds with Him (Christ). When our hearts and minds have thus been exer­ cised, we are ready to turn to His Word, permitting Him to speak to us. His Word is profitable. Second Timothy 3:16, 17 states that “ All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly fur­ nished unto all good works.” Heart-Search In this devotional period one should first turn to

heart-searching Scriptures—usually the Epistles or the Proverbs. Other portions of Scripture serve more for worship, which is to follow, and instruction in wisdom, knowledge, and doctrine. God gave instructions to Jeremiah with reference to his preaching to Israel in an attempt to bring them back into fellowship with God. Notice the order in which this instruction was to be given: “ Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant” (Jer. 1:9,10). Four distinct phrases— “ to root out,” “to pull down,” “ to destroy,” “ to throw down”—are used in this outline given to Jeremiah, which point to the fact that correc­ tion must come first. Confession Meditate on one verse of Scripture, or a phrase, or a thought of several verses; accept the reproof and correction; acknowledge your own shortcomings as you are being reproved by the Scriptures; ask the Holy Spirit to apply the Word to your heart, to search your heart to see if there is any wickedness therein. When reproof has found its target and you become con­ victed of sin and wrong, immediately confess that sin to God, judge it properly, treat it as sin, and do not question God’s authority in pointing it out. Remember that Job, when he had met God, said, “ I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:5, 6). The Word gives us God’s photograph of our own hearts and what we are in ourselves. It shows us how vile and wicked we would be, should the grace of God be removed from us for even a moment. It is essential that we acknowledge this in every one of our devotional periods before we meet Him with other portions of Scripture which will strengthen us. It is necessary to take away the dross, to cleanse the putrefying sores, to be thoroughly washed in the Word of God, and to recognize that we are children of His mercy by seeing ourselves as naturally wicked beings. But by no means must we stop here, for if we do, we will remain helpless, hopeless, useless beings. As David of old, we must acknowledge our sinfulness and, at the same time, acknowledge God’s great mercy. God knows our very being; He understands that we are but dust, and He wants us to understand our condi­ tion. Then, in our weakness, He wants to become strong. In I John 1:9 we are told that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. After the rooting out, the pulling down, and the destroying comes the planting and the strengthening. Accept God’s for­ giveness after you have made confession of your worth­ lessness, and receive His cleansing from sin. Cleansing Here I wish to inject this thought: Our cleansing from the guilt and condemnation of sin and iniquity was accomplished at the time of our salvation. We are talk­ ing here about the daily washing and cleansing and sprinkling of the blood for the remission of the sins which hinder our fellowship with Him and make us unfit servants o f His. We must always remember that we may come, and we should come to Him, as a child comes to his mother. A child plays in the mud and


JUNE, 1964

tions, we are ready for intercessory prayer, making a prayer list and laying before God the many people or problems that may confront us and others, entering with Him into the passion for souls, pleading the cause of Calvary on behalf of the multitudes who are dying, and interceding for those with whom we are called to labor. This intercessory prayer is an important part of our devotional period, but it cannot come first. It can come only after we have placed ourselves in close fel­ lowship and relationship with Him who is our Father. Bible Reading This devotional period can properly be followed by a season of Bible reading, which, at such a time, will be very beneficial. I suggest that you read Exodus 16. Let this incident in the life of Israel serve as an illustration of a per­ sonal devotional life. “ And in the morning, then ye shall see the glory of the Lord” (Ex. 16:7). If you wish to behold the real glory of the Lord in your personal devo­ tional period, have it early in the morning. “ At even, then ye shall know that the Lord hath brought you out from the land of Egypt” (v. 6). You will have some­ thing to praise God for in the evening if you have met Him early in the morning. You will note also that Israel was to>gather a daily portion. It could not be hoarded from one day to the

comes in with dirty hands, face, and clothing. The mother loves that child, whether he is dirty or clean. Maybe a scolding is necessary; but cleansing follows, and the child may go out again to his play with clean clothes, hands, and face. So we come to the Father for cleansing. But lest we continually fall into the same sins, we must be strengthened. We must take spiritual vita­ mins to build up resistance against the temptations and tests that come to us. Meditation Many of the Epistles and the Proverbs, as- well as other passages of Scripture, will be helpful for medita­ tion. Just keep in mind that “ faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). Ac­ cept His verdict of your own unworthiness and also His promise of grace and mercy. Philippians 4:5-7 is a helpful illustration at this point. “ Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanks­ giving let your requests be made known unto God.” And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Meditate on the individual phrases. “ Be careful for nothing.” Let not anxiety and worry keep you from progress, but “ by prayer and supplication with thanks­ giving let your requests be made known unto God.” Note the order: prayer, which simply means talking with God, or asking God; supplication, which speaks of claiming His wonderful promises, which are for us. But keep in mind the importance of thanksgiving in con­ nection with the requests and supplications. This thanksgiving should be expressed at the moment the request is made. We should not promise God that we will thank Him later, but we should accept the promise of God as true and thank Him for the answer immedi­ ately. Then follows the glorious promise of the peace of God. Another passage of Scripture which illustrates my point of being built up spiritually is found in Proverbs 3:5,6: “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” First, trust in the Lord; second, do not lean to your own understanding or discretion, but acknowledge your inability. At the same time, however, acknowledge His ability, and the promise is that He will direct your paths. Accept this by faith. No less than fifteen minutes should be spent in spe­ cial meditation and heart-search. Thirty minutes is better. Soon an hour becomes almost too short. Worship In connection with this heart-searching, meditation, and building up by means of the Word comes worship. When the heart has been thoroughly searched by the Word, through the Spirit, when proper acknowledg­ ment of shortcomings has been made, and when ^we have, by faith, accepted the challenge and the promises of mercy on our behalf, we find ourselves with an atti­ tude ready for worship. Here the Psalms serve most wonderfully. However, it is not the Psalms alone, but short portions of Scripture, carefully meditated upon, which enlarge our vision of the wonderfulness of Christ. Intercession Once we have come this far in our personal devo­

Dream not too much o f what you'll do tomorrow How well perhaps y o u 'll do another year; Tomorrow 's chance you do not need to borrow Today Is here. Boast not too much of mountains you w ill master; The time you linger in this world below; To dream is well, but doing brings us faster T o where we go. Swear not some day to break some habit fetter W hen this old year is dead and passed away; But if you really want to live much better Begin today.

next. Furthermore, each one had to gather it for him­ self. You cannot live on the other man’s experience. They had to stoop to the ground to pick it up. So we need to stoop and acknowledge our own inability, asking the Spirit to give us spiritual morsels. Notice also that they were to use it each day as they gathered it. If it was left over, it became useless, and by the next day it was spoiled. We must not only be hearers of the Word, but also doers. We must use what we have learned on that day and let it become a habit in our lives. One Psalm that has served me hundreds of times in my devotional period and in my desire for personal revival has been Psalm 51. It should be a help to you, too. Meditate on every word of this Psalm carefully, keeping in mind that it was the heart cry of the man David after Nathan had pointed out to the king his great sin with reference to Uriah and his wife, Bath- sheba. David was a man after the heart of God. He must have harbored his sin in his heart for quite some time; therefore, he found no fellowship with God, as we read in Psalm 32. But once he openly confessed his sin, that fellowship was wonderfully restored, and again he could serve the Lord with fullness of heart. I challenge you to try this method every day for thirty days. You will become so thrilled with it that you will never want to discontinue it. Reprinted by permission of Back o f the Bible Broadcast, Lincoln, Nebraska.




The Responsibility for the

by Ralph L. Byron, Jr., M .D .

Chairman, Department of Oncologic and General Surgery, City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, California

f f

L ast week I was seated next to a Jewish couple on a jet, winging my way to New York. We had exchanged the usual “hellos” and “ comments” about the world situation. Out of a clear sky the gentleman turned to me and asked, “Who crucified Christ?” I know that this question originated from the accusation often hurled at the Jew, “You killed Christ,” or “ Christ’s killer.” It was apparent that here was a unique oppor­ tunity to share the gospel. I answered in a low, un- ' emotional voice, “ I will tell you.” In the mechanics of the crucifixion, Jesus was be­ trayed by a Jewish disciple, was accused by the Jews; tried in a Roman court; sentenced by Pilate, the Roman governor; scourged by the Romans; made to carry His cross by the Romans; nailed to the cross by the Romans, pronounced dead by the Romans; taken off the cross by the Romans; and buried by a Jew in a Jewish tomb. Now the Romans who were involved were not Jews, but Gentiles. Thus it is seen that both Jew and Gentile had a part in the cross historically. In a far greater way the cross is at the center of our faith and we are all involved. “ For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God” (I Corinthians 1:18). The concept of a suffering Messiah is introduced in the 3rd chapter of Genesis — “ It [Christ, the Seed of the Woman] shall bruise thy [Satan’s] head, and thou [Satan] shall bruise his [Christ’s] heel [at the Cross].” Later in the same chapter Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden to keep them from a false tree of life [everlasting life as a sinner] and to point them to the real tree of life, the cross, [everlasting life delivered from sin]. In the wilderness when the children of Israel were dying of snake bites, Moses was commanded of God to put a bfonze serpent on a pole (literally a tree) with the promise that who­ soever looked upon it after being bitten would be healed. Jesus used this as an example of the way in which He would be lifted up on the cross and faith in Him would save. The sacrifices on the brazen altar in the taber­ nacle were a type of Christ on the cross. The 22nd Psalm gives a picture of Christ suffering on the cross. Isaiah 53 gives a description of the cross and its pur­ pose for us. In Zechariah we see that it is God who called the time of the cross. As we are introduced to Jesus and his ministry in the Gospels, we find Him steadfastly moving toward the cross. He came for this

purpose: to go to the cross that we might be freed from sin. He went of His own free will. Even at the last He could have called on the Father and more than twelve legions (72,000) of angels would have delivered Him. In the shadow of the cross He spoke, “ Now is the hour come.” The cross was essential in order that our sins be completely dealt with. There was no other way. He bore our sins in His own body on the tree (cross). He was made a curse for us. “ For it is written, cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” (Galatians 3:13). This was not only the perfect sacrifice, but the infinite sacrifice. There was no other way. As Paul puts it to the Galatians, “ I f there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law” (Galatians 3:21). Then there would have been no need for Christ to come. However, there is no law that can save a man. Christ went to the cross and paid the infinite price that we might be cleansed from sin and clothed with His righteousness. Now not only were a handful of Gentiles and Jews involved in crucifying Christ, but all Gentiles and all Jews of that day had a part in the crucifixion. Their sin demanded it and made it necessary. It is not limited to people of that day but all of us through the centuries had our part in the cross be­ cause of our sin. It was our sin, or more specifically, my sin and your sin, that crucified Christ. Take away the cross, and all is confusion. How can God be a just God and not punish sin? How can God be a merciful God and still send a man to Hell? In the cross we see the love of God: “God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5 :8 )—the mercy of God. “When we were without hope Christ died for us”—the justice o f God was satisfied with this infinite sacrifice, and the righteousness of God shown in Christ. Yes, we all had a part in the cross. Christ’s going to the cross has made it possible for us to be freed from sin and prepared for an eternity in Heaven. Do you know the Christ of the cross? Have you said “Yes” to His offer to give you new life? My Jewish friends on the plan listened to this Bibli­ cal explanation of the cross wide-eyed and deeply moved. Truly, the preaching of the cross is the power of God!


JUNE, 1964

Alerted over the radio by M.A.F. pilot Gordon Fairley (Reminders of Algeria’s internal war abound on every hand) rescue Mr. and Mrs. Eisher and Miss Bremond. (Picture was taken at the side of second M.A.F. plane.) fA \S«S \oW *2 - C_oV\ | % ^ ^ * > * * Congo Missionary Airlift

“npHE A cts of the A postles in a Twentieth Century -li- setting!” That’s how one missionary leader has described the fuller reports now coming from the Congo — detailing the climactic events of late January and early February when organized bands of disillusioned Congolese youth suddenly emerged from secret bush training areas to terrorize Kwilu Province. Detailed reports reaching the headquarters of Mis­ sionary Aviation Fellowship in Fullerton, California, tell of beatings that did not hurt, shots that missed and other remarkable deliverances. But, as widely reported in the press, God had other plans for Irene Ferrel and Ruth Hegge. Missionary aviation and radio played significant

roles in evacuating well over 100 missionaries from the troubled area. The missionary radio network had been in operation for only a little over a year. Yet al­ ready MISSAVIA was becoming a household word on mission compounds. This two-way radio set, especially designed for interstation use, is made available to evan­ gelical missions by MAF on a subsidized basis. “ Everyone agrees that radio communications played an outstanding role in the evacuation,” writes MAF pilot Wes Eisemann. “Our MISSAVIA was on from 6:30 in the morning until 10:00 every evening and played the role of coordinating much of the evacuation operation. During those days of crisis, not only the missionaries used the network but also the United Na-



earlier. After being harassed by terrorists for two days, and narrowly escaping death several times, they managed to flee into the forest. Their newly-completed unused airstrip had been dug up by the terrorists so that rescue — if they could be found — would have to be by helicopter. The colonel in charge of the U.N. rescue planes advised the MAF pilots that they would have to do all the searching. Since the engines in the U. N. aircraft were nearly due for overhaul, they would have to save their efforts for actual rescue work. With missionaries who knew the area aboard, Fair- ley set out for the Eichers’ station. But first they were to check on Miss Clark’s orphanage near Embimi to check on any possible terrorist activities in this area. As they flew overhead Miss Clark came out of her house and watched them circle, her little orphans clustered around her. A note was dropped asking whether she desired rescue. Since they received no clear signal, they dropped another note suggesting that helicopters could come and rescue both herself and her orphans. About this time pilot Fairley noticed some young men in the village across the road from the orphanage running and jumping across the fence. “One fellow ducked under a bamboo thicket and pointed a gun at us. He missed.” Assuming that Miss Clark was under terrorist pressure not to signal, Fairley left the area after spotting a field where the copters could land and radioed the U.N. Command to brief them on the situation. Four helicopters moved out to make the rescue. While three hovered overhead, one copter landed in front of the house with missionary Angus Brower aboard. The house was occupied by terrorists who had four high-powered rifles with plenty of ammunition (they had been there the previous day also, boasting to

tions, the American Embassy, and Lever Brothers.” Several missionaries at Kandala station were sought out and rescued because their MISSAVIA did not oper­ ate. That was January 23rd—right after terrorist bands massacred three Roman Catholic priests just 10 miles from Mukedi mission station. As the Mukedi mission­ aries alerted pilot Eisemann of the possible need for evacuation, they asked that he fly over Kandala en- route; they were concerned because Kandala had re­ ceived its new MISSAVIA several days earlier but had not yet been heard from. Eisemann found Kandala a blackened ruins. But the missionaries were standing unharmed in front of the dispensary which had not

M.A.F. Pilot Wes Eisemann M.A.F. Pilot Gordon Fairley been put to the torch. Since there was no airstrip, he radioed the U.N. Command who dispatched helicopters to evacuate the missionaries. Both MAF pilots, Wes Eisemann and Gordon Fair- ley, spent the rest of that day evacuating missionary personnel from Mukedi. Also rescued: six Roman Catho­ lic nuns who survived the previous night’s brutal mas­ sacre of their priests. During the day the situation at Mukedi deteriorated rapidly. As pilot Eisemann approached for one of his landings, he noticed three men coming through the grass toward the plane. “One fellow carried a quiver of arrows, the other two had their bows at the ready. I kept my eye on them on the roll-out, swung the tail of the plane around, took a quick look behind. They still kept coming. So I gave them my prop dust as I took off again and circled until the chief chased the rebels away. The Lord fought for us, using one who was not a professing Christian to help us.” Eisemann was referred to the chief of the area. Earlier in the day, when the local youth were getting out of hand, the chief strode out to the airstrip with his automatic shotgun slung over his shoulder, his 13 sons behind him! He cleared the rebellious youths from the airstrip and kept things under control. Later in the day when pilot Fairley brought his plane to a stop on the airstrip, a young man came up on the opposite side of the plane and aimed an arrow right at him. Again the chief barked an order and chased him away. Eight days later the MAF pilots cabled their head­ quarters in Fullerton, California: “ SEVENTY-FIVE PROTESTANT MISSIONARIES PLUS CHILDREN EVACUATED. TWO MISSING, ONE KILLED, FOUR STATIONS DESTROYED. U. N. COPTERS REACH­ ING STATIONS WITHOUT STRIPS.” The next day Gordon Fairley was assigned to make an intensive search for the missing missionaries, Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Eicher — now possibly joined by Miss Bremond. Their station had been attacked a week

In quieter days Mrs. Abel, wife of missionary doctor at Vanga, Kwilu Province, is flown home by M.A.F. plane and is greeted by Congolese friends. Miss Clark of all the planes they had shot down. When pilot Fairley learned this later he commented: “ Sure glad they didn’t use us for target practice!” ). The terrorists pointed their rifles right at the helicopter. The U.N. personnel pointed their automatic weapons at the house. Missionary Brower walked right through

A heroic story o f modern missions

JUNE, 1964


tinue until the high producers had sunk — or had been driven down — to the level of the low producers. At that point, in order for anyone to survive, the “ authority” would have no alternative but to begin a system of compulsory labor and punishments against even the low producers. They, of course, would then complain bitter­ ly, but without understanding. Finally I return the discussion to the ideas of freedom and enterprise— the market economy — where each person has freedom of choice, and is responsible for his own decisions and welfare. Gratifying enough, most of my pupils then understand what I mean when I explain that socialism — even in a democracy — will eventually result in a living-death for all except the “ authorities” and a few of their favorite lackeys. A letter from Thomas J. Shelly, teacher of Economics and History, Yonkers High School, Linden and Poplar Sts., Yonkers 2, New York. EDITOR'S NOTE: 'Because it seemed to us the above message said much in a very easily understood way, we thought you m ight be interested to read it and to pass it along.

‘S e c Y a \ ' S W A lesson in socialism

A s a t e a c h e r in the public schools, I find that the socialist-commu­ nist idea of taking “from each accord­ ing to his ability,” and giving “ to each according To his need” is now gem erally accepted without question by most of our pupils. In an effort to explain the fallacy in this theory, I sometimes try this approach with my pupils: When one of the brighter or harder- working pupils makes a grade of 95 on a test, I suggest that I take away 20 points and give them to a student who has made only 55 points on his test. Thus each would contribute ac­ cording to his ability and — since both would have a passing mark — each would receive according to his need. After I have juggled the grades

of all the other pupils in this fashion, the result is usually a “ common ownership” grade of between 75 and 80 — the minimum needed' for pass­ ing, or for survival. Then I speculate with the pupils as to the probable results if I actually used the socialistic theory for grading papers. First, the highly productive pupils — and they are always a minority in school as well as in life — would soon lose all incentive for producing. Why strive to make a high grade if part of it is taken from you by “ au­ thority” and given to someone else? Second, the less productive pupils— a majority in school as elsewhere — would, for a time, be relieved of the necessity to study or to produce. This socialist-communist system would con­

planes, and the planes of the only commercial air ser­ vice participating in the evacuation, were also damaged by ground fire. But the two MAF planes came through all the intensive flying over rebel territory unscathed even though both pilots saw terrorists shooting at them. Evacuated missionaries gathered in Leopoldville, compared notes on their experiences. As mission homes burned, terrorists often punctuated their many threats with: “ Aren’t you afraid?” The missionaries were sur­ prised at how honestly they could answer, “No.” Sev­ eral spoke of receiving hard blows that produced no pain. All thanked God that the MISSAVIA radio net-

Congo Missionary Airlift (continued) this area of potential cross-fire to get Miss Clark out of the house. The terrorists allowed her to go but said they would shoot all the orphans if any attempt was made to rescue them. They had to be left behind. As Fairley continued on to the Eichers’ station, he had to fly high over some villages where terrorist ac­ tivity was evident. In other cases he flew lower to drop notes in the local language which read “ If Eicher is dead, lie on the ground. If he is alive, walk in the gen­ eral direction he went.” In some cases: no response. But the searchers gained hope when no one indicated that they were dead. And some gave directions. On the ground, the Eichers and Miss Bremond saw the MAF plane fly overhead several times and tried to signal with a white cloth on a pole from deep in their forest hide-out. The searchers overhead could not see this through the jungle growth. By the end of the second day, pilot Fairley was at a loss to know where else to look. But nevertheless he set out for a third day of searching. Meanwhile, at 5:00 that morning a Congolese came to the missionaries’ forest hide-out and said that he had written permission from the rebel leader for them to leave the area. They would be protected. They were led out to a village where they were offered three chairs in the shade of tall trees on the edge of a clearing. Suddenly they heard the noise of a plane and ran into the clearing where they could be seen. Circling above in the MAF Cessna, three grown men choked up as they saw their three colleagues alive. Pilot Fairley circled back and made a very low pass right by the missionaries to check visually on their condition — at the same time tossing out a package of sandwiches and a note which read: “ Stay where you are in an open place where the helicopters can land.” Many people risked their lives to accomplish this evacuation. One of the U. N. helicopters sustained some damage from flint-lock rifle shots. The Congo. Air Force

M.A.F. pilot scours for any possible survivors. work had been established, and that Missionary Avia­ tion Fellowship planes were on hand for the evacuation. “Without that,” one of the missionaries remarked, “ the casualty list might have read quite differently.” But in many cases the real heroes were the Congo­ lese Christians who risked their lives to save their missionaries and then had to remain behind. Also, there were sympathizers like the chief at Mukedi. An unconfirmed report indicates that he may have paid with his life for his heroic actions.



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